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A few days later, as an evidence of their enjoyment aboard ship, the padres sent each of us a silver medal of the Santo Niño and a history of the image written in Spanish, con superior permiso; a lithographic picture of the Holy Child in its shrine, giving but a faint idea of its appearance; and a queer stone jar, the shape, if not the size of those in which the forty thieves were hidden.

Yeyeng appeared fancifully dressed, with the "Da usté su permiso?" and Carvajal was answering her, "Pase usté adelante," when two soldiers of the Civil Guard went up to Don Filipo and ordered him to stop the performance. "Why?" asked the teniente-mayor in surprise. "Because the alferez and his wife have been fighting and can't sleep."

D. Pedro, me parece que usted no ha comprendido bien a Matilde ... ella se alegra, como buena hija, de que la vuelva a su gracia ... pero por lo demás está muy satisfecha con su suerte, ahí donde usted la ve ... y lejos de querer dejar su casa.... DON PEDRO. No; no; vivirán ustedes conmigo. DOÑA MATILDE. , , con usted, papá, con usted. DON EDUARDO. Y si no ... con permiso de usted, Sr.

While Yeyeng, dressed in the style of the lower class of Madrid, was coming on the stage with the remark: "Da Usté su permiso?" "And what for?" asked he, surprised at the request. "Because the alferez and his Señora have been fighting and they cannot sleep."

You pay for me for to have my own apartment but I never go there. Nunca, nunca! No tengo una vida. I'm illegal but I should not a slave. There should more to my life than the two of you. Quiero permiso para un vacacion pagado para dos meses." "Dos meses? Do I look mad? Dos semanas okay." "And where you will get other slave? There are many masters to be gotted and not many slaves."

La amable, la hermosa Matilde, me corresponde, no lo dude usted, y está en el secreto, y.... DON PEDRO. Tanto mejor, amigo mío, y ahora vamos a ver, porque, con el permiso de usted, la haré llamar; en presencia de usted consultaremos su gusto y su voluntad. DON EDUARDO. No deseo otra cosa, y cuanto más pronto.... DON PEDRO. Ahora mismo.... ¿Bruno?

VECINA. , señora, y de bueno ... a eso venía, a enseñar a la vecinita un corte de vestido de punto de Flandes ... como es recién casada ... y como nada cuesta el ver ... pero, con permiso de su señoría, cerraré la puerta ... no sea que la encajera lo olfatee y vaya con el chisme ... porque la tal encajera es capaz de todo ... y si yo fuera a contar....

Pretty soon there came a deprecatory cough from the stairway the local method of announcing a visitor. Outside of Manila knocking or ringing does not seem to appeal to the Filipinos. In the provinces the educated classes come to the foot of the stairway and call "Permiso!" and the lower-class people come to the head of the stairway and cough to attact attention. My chicken man had returned.