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His arms are bound. A gag is forced in his mouth. Dragged into the bushes, his unknown captors have him under cover. The boy feels with rage and shame his arms taken from his belt. His rifle is gone. A knife presses his throat. He understands the savage hiss, "Vamos adelante, Gringo!" The party dash through the chaparral.

Only the lower rooms were habitable, and at a door, on either side of which stood a sentry, my conductor respectfully knocked. "Adelante!" said a rough voice; and we entered accordingly. Before a long table at the upper end of a large, barely-furnished room, with rough walls and a cracked ceiling, sat three men in uniform.

Uttering the single word, 'Adelante! or 'Forward! we started in a brisk canter. It was a beautiful morning and the trail was easily followed. Our animals were fresh, and everything appeared favorable for the success of our expedition, especially as we realized that the progress of the Indians must necessarily be somewhat impeded by the large number of animals they were driving before them.

Yeyeng appeared fancifully dressed, with the "Da usté su permiso?" and Carvajal was answering her, "Pase usté adelante," when two soldiers of the Civil Guard went up to Don Filipo and ordered him to stop the performance. "Why?" asked the teniente-mayor in surprise. "Because the alferez and his wife have been fighting and can't sleep."

But," she added, rising to her feet and tossing the end of her lace mantilla over her shoulder with a little laugh "it is finish Adelante! Dr-rrive on!" "I don't want to destroy your belief in the connection of your friend with the road agents," said Demorest grimly, "but if he belongs to their band it is in an inferior capacity.

At this moment we could distinguish the voice of Raoul: "Alto! abajo las armas!" At this challenge we could see for they were still in sight that some of the Mexicans leaped clear up from the ground. One or two looked back, as if with the intention of re-entering the gorge, but a dozen muzzles met their gaze. "Adelante! adelante! somos amigos."

And it came to pass that, as we were seated over the Cyprus wine, we heard a knock at the door. "Adelante!" cried the Armenian; whereupon the door opened, and in walked a somewhat extraordinary figure a man in a long loose tunic of a stuff striped with black and yellow; breeches of plush velvet, silk stockings, and shoes with silver buckles.

And it came to pass that, as we were seated over the Cyprus wine, we heard a knock at the door. 'Adelante! cried the Armenian; whereupon the door opened, and in walked a somewhat extraordinary figure a man in a long loose tunic of a stuff striped with black and yellow; breeches of plush velvet, silk stockings, and shoes with silver buckles.

Ay, and you shall have a half peck of pinon nuts for your supper, I promise you. You have done well to-day, but don't let us get belated. At night, as you know, we might be lost on the Llano, and the wicked wolves eat us both up. That would be a sad thing, mia yegua. We must not let them have a chance to dispose of us in that manner. Adelante!"

Adelante hombres!" and forgetting for the moment that I was already in the advance, in obedience to the order, I spurred my horse forward, just as the Apache war-whoop sounded, apparantly upon all sides of me.