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Yet if a little lassie stumbled into the shop and asked for a pennyworth of peppermints, he would order her to be served, adding a peppermint or two more, and some good advice which sent away the little woman much impressed; for though the Bailie committed one big, blazing indiscretion, and suffered terribly in consequence thereof, he was a good and honest man.

The one who had seen him first was allowed to hold the reins. When Lars Peter came home and found Sörine in a temper and the house upside down, he was not disturbed at all, but soon cheered them all up. He always brought something home with him, peppermints for the children, a new shawl for mother and perhaps love from Granny to Ditte, whispering it to her so that Sörine could not hear.

"But it shows a terrible dearth of interest when we get down to principles." "Yes," she said again, laughing. Meanwhile Miss Normaine's niece was pursuing her own ends with that directness which, though lacking the evasive subtlety of maturer years, is at once effective and commendable. "It was nothing but a box of chocolate peppermints," she insisted.

At the beginning of the first hill, however, the donkey stopped dead. Several hands seized its bridle and tried to urge it forward, while Mavis and Merle pushed it in the rear, but not all their efforts could induce it to stir an inch. "Romola! What utter idiots we are!" exclaimed Beata. "Of course we've forgotten the peppermints!" "Bother! So we have! We must go back for some, that's all!"

"If he hadna a pock o' peppermints but it wesna that wiled Elsie's hert. Na, na, dogs and bairns can read fouks' faces, and mak nae mistakes. As sune as a' saw Lachlan's een a' kent he wes a new man. "Hoo has it come about? That's easy tae guess. Sax months syne Lachlan didna ken what father meant, and the heart wes wizened in the breist o' him wi' pride an' diveenity.

And there were even candy dolls and peppermints. "Oh, well, maybe I can help her, po' little thing," the Bishop said when the mother conducted him in. But one look at her was enough that dead, unmeaning look, not unconscious, but unmeaning deadened a disease which to a robust child would mean fever and a few days' sickness to this one the Bishop knew it meant atrophy and death.

Mother did without her chocolate peppermints, and Father cut his smoking down to one cigarette after each meal though occasionally, being but a mortal man, he would fall into sinful ways and smoke up three or four cigarettes while engaged in an enthralling conversation regarding Mr. Pilkings's meanness with fellow-clerks at lunch at the Automat.

Aunt Maggie's pleasant face beamed. "Bless the boy!" she cried heartily, "he always knows what I'm in want of. I shall find it ever so useful, Tom." "And I've got an orange for you," broke in Margery, who could keep quiet no longer. "And I've got some peppermints," said Charlie. "Now fancy you two remembering what I like! Thank you, dears, ever so much.

Behind the counter Jos Hughes measured and weighed lazily, throwing in with his short weight a compliment, or a screw of peppermints, as the case required. "Who is this coming up in the dust?" he mumbled. "'Tis Morva of the moor," said a woman standing in the doorway and shading her eyes with her hand. "What does she want, I wonder? There's a merry lass she is!"

The stalls were covered with everything invented by man; here a sweet stall, with thick, sticky lumps of white and green and red, glass bottles of bulls' eyes and peppermints, thick slabs of almond toffee and pink cocoanut icing, boxes of round chocolate creams and sticks of liquorice, lumps of gingerbread, with coloured pictures stuck upon them, saffron buns, plum cakes in glass jars, and chains of little sugary biscuits hanging on long red strings.