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Updated: August 12, 2024

Beecham thought that you would take me across," said Tom. "Sam, give him Mr. Beecham's note." "Yassuh." Sam produced the note. The ferryman read it, scratching his head. "That man'll be my death yet," he said. "Take a horse across today? No, sir! I'll take you across if you and the nigger'll handle oars, but not the horse! No, sir! It's against the law, anyways. No Sentry, no crossing. No, sir!

Then you stand on the corner and watch and see what you see. When you see it, you yell fer Charley and git into the drug store telephone, and call up the health office and git their men up here and into that Dago cellar like hell! The nigger'll be there. They don't know him, and he'll just drop in to try and sell the Dagoes some policy tickets. You understand me?" "Mother Mary in heaven!"

Old Dinah, the cook, was a unfeeling as her mistress, and she was pleased to see the child made to work in the hot sun. "Dat white nigger'll soon be brack enuff if missis keeps her workin' out dar," she said, as she wiped the perspiration from her sooty brow.

Go on, big red hawss! Show 'em how we risin' up!" "The nigger'll win in a romp!" announced McManus disgustedly. "Oh, dry up! I want to know what's happened to Zanzibar!" "I can tell you what's going to happen to him," remarked the unfeeling McManus. "He's going to finish last, and a damn bad last at that. Why, he can't get up a gallop!

'Pears like 'twas cuttin' a big field fur to take Miss Catten an' de white lamb too. Ah! Miss Em'ly, dis harves' ob years is a gwine on troo all de seasons; hope dis ole nigger'll be ready when de Lord comes roun' fur him."

"You sure are tough customers," declared he. "I guess, Doright, youall better go get them old slave chains. They won't break them." "Yaas, Sir, Boss," replied the negro hastening away. "If you're hungry, better get at that grub while you got the chance," offered Lopez. "In a minute that nigger'll be back with the irons, and then you won't be runnin' around loose."

"They'll be that singed and washed in the sands off Au Fer that nobody'll know what they died of!" retorted Tedge thickly. "Yeh, go down, Crump, and lay yer waste and oil right. I trust yeh, Crump the nigger'll get his, too. She'll ride high and burn flat, hoggin' in the sand " "She's soaked with oil plumb for'ard to the pens now," grunted Crump.

Cicero Throgmartin, for whom Tump was working, cautioning Throgmartin to make sure that Tump Pack was in the sleeping-shack every night, as he might get wind of the wedding and take a notion to bolt and stop it. "You know, you can't tell what a fool nigger'll do," finished Bobbs.

"Look here, squaire," he said, "I give in, but yew're an officer and I'm an officer. Play fair with a man. That nigger'll kill me sure as a gun if I go along with him. Seems to me I shan't be safe 'less I'm along o' you, so I guess I'll stop here." Mark was about to insist, but a glance at Soup was sufficient to alter his mind. "Very well, stop for the present, sir, till I go back aboard."

"What do you want?" came in answer to the sheriff's taps. "I'll arrest every man of you for destroying State property," the sheriff answered. "All right; come do it quick," was the response. "We're waitin', but we won't wait long." "I reckon we'll have to go inside, Doty," the sheriff said; then to the attacking party, "If you'll wait till Judge More comes, I promise you the nigger'll hang."

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