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"Well," he replied desperately, "I thought you wouldn't want to get all mussed up and hot." "That's better," said Honora. "You thought I was vain, didn't you?" "But I don't think so any more," he avowed passionately. "I think you're a trump. And we'll play again to-morrow, won't we?" "We'll play any day you like," she declared.

If we beat them, all right; if they beat us, all right. The main thing is to play the best we know how and get as much fun and profit as we can out of the game. I don't care a brass tack about any of the games except Claflin and Chambers. I would like to beat Chambers, after the way they mussed us up last year.

"Happened about ten this mornin'. Some man caught him alone in the railroad-station and blowed his head half-off." "Do tell!" was Allen's exclamation. "Yep," continued the Sheriff. "He must have pulled a gun on the fellow. He put up some sort of a fight, as the room is some mussed up." "Robbery?" queried Polly, with wide-open eyes. "That's what!" answered Slim, turning to her.

"Anthony!" cried Gloria tensely, "we've won! They reversed the decision!" "Don't come in," he murmured wanly, "you'll muss them. I'm sorting, and I know you'll step in them. Everything always gets mussed." "What are you doing?" demanded Dick in astonishment. "Going back to childhood? Don't you realize you've won the suit? They've reversed the decision of the lower courts.

For that matter, none of the family are found in those sections where there are long, dry periods and the earth becomes baked and hard. "The fur of Miner and his cousins will lay in either direction, which keeps it smooth no matter whether the wearer is going forward or backward. Otherwise it would be badly mussed up most of the time.

She got all mussed when you banged her into the corner." "I'm sorry," said Arnold again. "Do you want me to brush her off for you?" "I guess not!" laughed Mirabell. "Once you tried to get the tangles and snarls out of the hair of one of my dolls, and you 'most pulled her head off." "All right. Then I'll take this puzzle and show it to Dick and Dorothy," decided Arnold.

The latter held up the lamp where it wouldn't get smashed and admonished them in no uncertain terms that he wanted me alive and comparatively undamaged. Oh, sure! they mussed me up, too. I wasn't very pretty, either. The bravos withdrew muttering curses, as the story books say; and after Hooper had righted the table and stuck the lamp on it, and taken a good look at my bonds, he withdrew also.

That's how I seem to be thinking now. And between the two I'm all mussed up." The girl nodded. "I I think I know," she said quietly. The man's face lit for a moment. "I knew you would," he cried, in a burst of enthusiasm. Then the light died out of his eyes again, and he shook his head. "But you can't," he said hopelessly. "Nobody can, but me. I love old Charlie."

Now she came out, re-dressed in her own clothes, which were somewhat mussed and shrunken in appearance. Helen ran to her at once to congratulate Mary on her escape. "And wasn't it lucky Tom and Ruth were so near you?" she cried. "And dear old Ruthie! she's quite a heroine; isn't she? And you must meet Tom." "I shall be glad to meet and thank your brother, Helen," said The Fox, rather crossly.

It made me mad, I suppose, to think that college boys, who aren't real men, anyway, should stoop so low as to try to catch a lot of grammar school prankers, so I fought back at my captors with some vim. Of course I got the worst of it, including the bruise on my cheek, but I mussed those two college boys up a bit, too.