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"J'ai vecu moi-meme comme un mendiant, pour apprendre a des mendiants a vivre comme des hommes." We sat a long time on the great marble pedestal, gazing into the benevolent face, and reviewing the simple, self-sacrificing life of the great educator, and then started on a tour of inspection.

Ah! ne dis pas ces mots brûlante! Ils m'égarent moi-même.... The music stitched to this impossible piece, however, had its admirers even fanatical admirers so great was the prestige of the author's name at the time of its appearance. We must not forget that there are, indeed, some beautiful pages in this chaos.

"Je les connais bien, non sur des rapports etrangers, mais sur des correspondances et des informations secretes, que j'ai moi-meme menagees; et dont, un jour, si Dieu me prete vie, je pourrai faire usage a l'avantage de ma Patrie.

On making the host our compliments, he said, 'Je fais la cuisine moi-même, Madame. In the course of our repast we again tasted the bread-fruit, but did not much appreciate it, though it was this time cooked in the native fashion roasted underground by means of hot stones. Our coachman was becoming impatient, so we bade farewell to our host, and resumed our journey.

[Footnote 1: 'J'ai passé moi-même chez une peuplade Indienne, qui se prenaît a pleurer

If sa Majesté, le Grand Louis, be not so mal avisé, as to chasser Messieurs les Huguenots from his royaume, I shall go to Paris, to hear le Cid, moi-même!" "A good journey to you, Monsieur Cue. We may meet on the road, until which time I take my departure. The day may come, when we shall converse with a rolling sea beneath us. Till then, brave cheer!"

Je ne pourrais dans ce moment-ci, avec ma main tremblante, en remercier moi-meme Mr. Burton comme je le voudrais faire. Je me promets d'y revenir plus tard. En attendant, je vous prie de le remercier pour moi, en lui disant tout ce que je pense de son parfait resume. Vous me pardonnerez d'etre si bref; je suis encore assez souffrant et fatigue.

The "Moi-même" of his boyish resolution became the "L'état, c'est moi" of his maturer egotism; Spain yielded to France the mastery of the land, as she had already yielded to Holland and England the sea; Turenne fell at Sassbach, Condé sheathed his sword at Chantilly; Bossuet and Bourdaloue, preaching the funeral sermons of these heroes, praised their glories, and forgot, as preachers will, their sins; Vatel committed suicide because his Majesty had not fish enough for breakfast; the Princess Palatine died in a convent, and the Princess Condé in a prison; the fair Sévigné chose the better part, and the fairer Montespan the worse; the lovely La Vallière walked through sin to saintliness, and poor Marie de Mancini through saintliness to sin; Voiture and Benserade and Corneille passed away, and Racine and Molière reigned in their stead; and Mademoiselle, who had won the first campaigns of her life and lost all the rest, died a weary old woman at sixty-seven.

Un de ses goûts favoris est la chasse aux chiens et aux oiseaux. Il a, dit-on, plus de mille chiens et plus de deux mille oiseaux dressés, et de diverses espèces; j'en ai vu moi-même une très-grande partie.

Il est vrai qu'il s'en tirait en disant que je ne ressemblai pas a mes compatriotes, ce a quoi il ne connaissait rien! Tout cela etait fort curieux; car, moi-meme, je l'aimais quoiqu'il en e–t a mon pays! En 1879 il amena son fils Austin a Paris. J'attirai celui-ci. Il dejeunait avec moi deux fois par semaine. Je lui montrai ce qu'etait l'intimite francaise en le tutoyant paternellement.