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Updated: August 12, 2024

Not to take Philadelphia too seriously, I may note that when New York seemed our literary centre Irving alone among those who gave it lustre was a New-Yorker, and he mainly lived abroad; Bryant, who was a New Englander, was alone constant to the city of his adoption; Willis, a Bostonian, and Poe, a Marylander, went and came as their poverty or their prosperity compelled or invited; neither dwelt here unbrokenly, and Poe did not even die here, though he often came near starving.

Among them was a repeater, belonging to our young Marylander. If you, my reader, will please to skip backward, over this parenthesis, you will come to our conversation, which it has interrupted. It a'n't the feed, said the young man John, it's the old woman's looks when a fellah lays it in too strong. The feed's well enough.

Show me any other place where every other drawing-room is not a chamber of the Inquisition, with papas and mammas for inquisitors, and the cold shoulder, instead of the "dry pan and the gradual fire," the punishment of "heresy"! We think Baltimore is a pretty civilized kind of a village, said the young Marylander, good-naturedly.

It is just as I knew it would be, and anybody can see that our young Marylander will be dead in love with her in a week. Then if that little man would only turn out immensely rich and have the good-nature to die and leave them all his money, it would be as nice as a three-volume novel. The Little Gentleman is in a flurry, I suspect, with the excitement of having such a charming neighbor next him.

Nearly every phase of current political and military events was treated in brilliant and trenchant criticism, and the conversation turned at last upon the peace conference going on at Fort Monroe. Mr. Davis was a Marylander, who was second to none in uncompromising loyalty to the Union, and had an acknowledged pre-eminence in eloquent advocacy of the National cause.

People will not understand how Joe Johnson, outlaw as he is, dared to rob a Maryland judge of his house servants, Johnson himself bein' a Marylander, unless they had some understanding. Your sudden marriage, an' your pappy's embarrassments, will be put together, by smoke! an' thar is some blunt enough to say that when Jedge Custis is hard up, he'll git money anyhow!"

"I've managed bigger places than this in Demerara, and on no one of them have I ever seen a nigger struck. But then, you see, in Demerara the planters are Englishmen, and Englishmen as a rule don't shine at nigger walloping." Sherard, a black-visaged Marylander, snapped his teeth together and, smothering his rage, tried to laugh the matter off. "Well, I suppose you're right, Prout.

This ugly way of hitting is the great trick of the French gavate, which is not commonly thought able to stand its ground against English pugilistic science. These are old recollections, with not much to recommend them, except, perhaps, a dash of life, which may be worth a little something. The young Marylander brought them all up, you may remember.

E. Han, La Grange, Fayette county, Tenn. in the Gallatin "Union," June 23, 1837. "Ranaway, negro boy Jack has a small crop out of his left ear." D. Herring, warden of Baltimore city jail, in the "Marylander," Oct 6, 1837. "Was committed to jail, a negro man has two scars on his forehead, and the top of his left ear cut off." Mr.

About the year 1826, a Marylander, by the name of Solomon Low, arrested a fugitive slave in Philadelphia, and took him to the office of an alderman to obtain the necessary authority for carrying him back into bondage. Finding the magistrate gone to dinner, they placed the colored man in the entry, while Mr. Low and his companions guarded the door.

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