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The gov'nor was awfully wild about it. Nice brother, he said, to go and take the legal business to some one else instead of to our office. There, come along." "I must get the keys first." "Keys? Why, I thought you were all so beautifully innocent, that you never locked up anything in the country." "But we do," said Tom. "Wait a minute. I'll soon be back." "Don't hurry yourself, bumpkin.

A feeling of despair possessed me. I sat down and gazed out of the window. A maid knocked lightly as I sat staring and came in with a letter. "Miss Ruth told me to wait until you were alone and then to give you this," she explained. I thanked her and she departed. I locked the door, then tore open Ruth's note to me and read it. "Dear Lucy," it said.

"Lord, what a day!" said the newcomer, blowing noisily, and it seemed he deposited some heavy burthen on what Mr. Ledbetter, judging by the feet, decided to be a writing-table. The unseen then went to the door and locked it, examined the fastenings of the windows carefully and pulled down the blinds, and returning sat down upon the bed with startling ponderosity. "WHAT a day!" he said.

We have no account of his subsequent movements. With his dismissal from the service, he ceased to be an object of concern to us. Alix did not destroy this letter. She locked it away in a drawer of her desk. She had made up her mind to confront Thane with this official communication. It was an ordeal she dreaded.

You will obey me. Go at once," she repeated, seeing him on tiptoe to gain Agostino's attention. Beppo knew by her eyes that her ears were locked against him; and, though she spoke softly, there was an imperiousness in her voice not to be disregarded. He showed plainly by the lost rigidity of his attitude that he was beaten and perplexed.

If I only were sure!" She locked her fingers closer, staring hard. If it had been the whole Crew Idol, the undismembered god himself, then there would have been less terror, and one plain thing to do.

"'We went back into the house, and walked over it, and then paid another visit to the room. But we simply couldn't stand it. We fairly ran out, and locked the door again. I don't know how to put it into words; but I had a feeling of being up against something that was rottenly dangerous. You know! We've carried our guns ever since.

They were very quick and eager footsteps which Rosalie heard, and in another moment, almost before she knew that her Aunt Lucy had entered the arbour, she found herself locked in her arms. 'Oh, my little Rosalie, said she, with a glad cry, 'have I found you at last? For Jessie had told Mrs. Leslie that it was Norah's child who was waiting to speak to her in the arbour. Rosalie could not speak.

The opinion of Fabius was approved of. Altinius was bound in chains and given into custody, together with his companions, and a large quantity of gold which he brought with him was ordered to be kept for him. He was kept at Cales, where, during the day, he was unconfined, but attended by guards who locked him up at night.

In great discouragement he went into his studio, locked the door, and throwing himself on his knees, he told the Lord his trouble, and prayed earnestly for relief. While he was still upon his knees, a knock was heard at the door. He arose and opened the door. A stranger stood there. "I wish to see Mr. Allston," said he. "I am Mr. Allston," replied Mr.