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"I'd like to have a ball game, or some sort of fun." But, though he sat there quite a while, none of the boys came along, and, at last, Buddy remarked: "Oh, I'm going off and see if I can't find Billie or Johnnie Bushytail, or Sammie Littletail, or some one, to play with."

Near Uncle Wiggily there were, in hollow trees, or in nests or in burrows under the ground, many animal friends of his rabbits, squirrels, puppy dogs, pussy cats, frogs, ducks, chickens and others, so that Uncle Wiggily and Nurse Jane were never lonesome. Often Sammie or Susie Littletail, a small boy and girl rabbit, would hop over to the hollow-stump bungalow, and call: "Uncle Wiggily!

They lived near Sammie and Susie Littletail. But the story to-morrow night will be about Uncle Wiggily making maple sugar. Uncle Wiggily Longears walked out of the burrow. First he stretched one leg, then he stretched another leg; then he gave a big, long stretch to his third leg, and then, would you believe it? he stretched his fourth leg.

"Well, it's a good thing that fox has been changed into a town," spoke Papa Littletail. "If he hadn't been, I would have had him arrested for frightening you, Sammie. I know the policeman down at our corner, and I'm sure he would have arrested him for me.

"I haven't any money," said Jimmie, and tears began to run down his broad, yellow bill, for the little boy duck felt pretty bad, I can tell you. "You will have to save up all the pennies you get," decided Grandfather Goosey-Gander. "Boys should not be so careless." "We thought you were a fox," said Billie Bushytail. "And we all threw stones at you," added Sammie Littletail.

So the frog boys saw the rest of the show, and afterward all their friends told them how brave it was to do what they had done. And for a long time after that whenever any one mentioned what good jumpers Bully and Bawly were, Sammie Littletail would say: “Ah, but you should have seen them in the circus one day.”

"Yes, we must get in out of the wet, or my rheumatism will be so bad I shall not be able to walk," complained Uncle Wiggily Longears. "I know what we can do," proposed the muskrat nurse. "What?" asked Susie Littletail. "We can ask Mr. Groundhog to let us stay all night in his burrow," suggested the nurse. "I'm sure he will let us, for he has plenty of room." Mr.

She was out walking with Sammie and Susie Littletail. "Oh, somebody do please help me!" cried Grandfather Goosey-Gander. "I've lost my glasses, my leg is caught, and I have a pain in my back. Oh, oh, oh!" "I'll gnaw through those sticks in a jiffy!" cried Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy, for a jiffy is very quick time indeed. Oh, yes, and a broken down couch besides!

Twistytail to make Sammie Littletail feel better, and just then her own little boy Curly had a great idea. "I'll just slip in and finish the washing for mamma," he said to himself, as he saw that Flop and Pinky were still playing tag. "Won't she be s'prised when she comes in and sees the clothes all hung up to dry?"

"Give my love to Sammie and Susie Littletail and to all my friends," said the rabbit, as he took his crutch and valise, after the circus was over, and started to travel on, looking for his fortune. Well, the first place he came to that day was an old hollow stump, and on the door was a card which read: COME IN. "Ha! Come in; eh?" said Uncle Wiggily. "I guess not much! You can't fool me again.