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I'm called Billy because I have such a long bill, you see," the heron explained to Sammie Littletail. "But enough of this. I've come for you, Bully. I'm hungry. I'm going to eat you. That's why you're wanted at once and immediate." "I I think there's some mistake," faltered Bully. "No mistake at all," snapped the heron. "It's in all the books.

I'll try again." He got his paws under a nice, big root, and he was straining his back to pull it up, when, all of a sudden, he heard a voice saying: "How do you do?" "Oh, hello!" exclaimed the bunny, looking up quickly, and expecting to see some friend of his, like Grandpa Goosey Gander, or Sammie Littletail, the rabbit boy.

And I didn’t feel like coming either,” spoke Susie, crying some more. “I tried to find Sammie, but I couldn’t. Oh dear! Boo hoo!” “We all tried to find him,” said Mr. Littletail sadly. “But we can’t,” added Mrs. Littletail still more sadly. “Our Sammie is gone! The bad boy has him!” “Oh, that is awful!” cried Bully. “But I’ll see if I can’t find him for you.”

It was not far from the burrow, and, though it was not really a store, the rabbits always called it that. So that was where Susie Littletail went. She scraped the snow off the straw with her hind feet and kicked the straw away so she could get at the cabbage. Then she began to gnaw off the sweetest leaves she could find for her little sick brother.

Come on!" he called to Papa Littletail, and, though Uncle Wiggily Longears was quite lame with the rheumatism, he started off with Sammie's papa, and to-morrow night I will tell you how they saved the little boy rabbit. When Uncle Wiggily Longears and Papa Littletail hurried from the underground house to rescue Sammie, Mamma Littletail was much frightened.

Only I took a dreadful cold, from being kept out in the rain all night. We will bring him safe home to you." While Uncle Wiggily Longears and Papa Littletail were on their way, poor Sammie, left all alone in the woods, with his left hind foot caught in a cruel trap, felt very lonely indeed.

Then I would buy some peanuts and sell them, and make more money, and pretty soon I would be rich, and I could go back home and see Sammie and Susie Littletail." So he walked along, looking very carefully on the ground for money. All he found for some time were only old acorns, and, as he couldn't eat them, they were of no use to him.

"Did you find a nest-house?" asked Mamma Littletail of the bird. "No," was the answer, "I think I shall have to stay with you another night, if you will let me. Perhaps I shall find a nest to-morrow." So she stayed with the Littletail family another night, and to-morrow night I will tell you how she found a nest. Sammie Littletail was up early the next morning.

It had rained in the morning, and of course the grounds were too slippery and wet to play ball. That is, they were for Sammie Littletail and Billie and Johnnie Bushytail, but naturally Jimmie Wibblewobble, the boy duck, and Bully, the boy frog, would not have minded the wet the least bit.

Billie Bushytail tried to jump up in the air, and grab hold of poor Jimmie, but he couldn't reach him, and then Sammie Littletail, he tried, but he couldn't reach him, and all the while poor Jimmie was being carried higher and higher by the kite. "Save me! Oh, save me!" he cried, but there didn't seem to be any way of getting him down, and it began to look as if he would go right up to the sky.