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"Ill deedit," returned Malcolm, " whan ye flang my bonny salmon troot till yer oogly deevil o' a dog." "Ho! ho! ho! Ill deedit, am I? I s' no forget thae bonny names! Maybe yer lordship wad alloo me the leeberty o' speirin' anither question at ye, Ma'colm MacPhail." "Ye may speir 'at ye like, sae lang 's ye canna gar me stan' to hearken. Guid day to ye, Mistress Catanach.

"Her father wad fain hae seen her merriet afore he dee'd, but the pride he had gien her was like to be the en' o' a', for she coontit it naething less than a disgrace to pairt wi' maiden leeberty.

But you took a liberty when you unpacked my clothes without asking my permission, Margaret. 'Leeberty did I? I thocht ye'd be pleased, bein' an auld leddy, no less; but catch me doin' it again. Ay, but this thistle gown is gran', to be sure. 'Can you dress hair? inquired Miss Delacour. 'Naething special, was Magsie's answer. 'Is it a wig ye wear or no?

Odd, but she kent brawly hoo tae deal wi' her saumon that I will say for her! There was nae need for me tae bide closs by the side o' a leddy that had boastit there was na a fush in Spey she cudna maister, sae I clamb up the bank, sat doun on ma doup on a bit hillock, an' took the leeberty o' lichtin' ma pipe.

But I think I may venture to say that a wee drappie o' soup will no' hurt the chiel. And noo, wi' your leave, captain, I'll just tak' the sma' leeberty o' turnin' ye oot o' your ain cabin, as there's been an ample suffeecency o' conversation for the present." The captain laughed good-naturedly, and turned, with a friendly nod to George, to leave the cabin.

"Yir hand, sir," said the chief among them, a mighty man at the Falkirk Tryst; "gin it bena a leeberty, ilka ane o's hes a sair fecht tae keep straicht in oor wy o' business, but ye 've gien 's a lift the day," and so they must needs all have a grip of the Doctor's hand, who took snuff with prodigality, while the General complained of the smoke from the engine.

Ance mair, gien ye wad but hearken til ane 'at confesses he oucht to ken, even sud he be i' the wrang, I tell ye that horsie is NOT siller na, nor naething like it." "Plague take the man! what is it, then?" cried the laird. "What for didna ye speir that at me afore?" rejoined Jeames. "It wad hae gien me leeberty to tell ye to the best o' my abeelity that is.

Leeberty, the bonnie lassie, wi' a sealgh's fud to her! I'll no sign it. I dinna consort wi' shoplifters, an' idiots, an' suckin' bairns wi' long nose, an' short nose, an' pug nose, an' seventeen Deuks o' Wellington, let alone a baker's dizen o' Queens. It's no company, that, for a puir auld patriot!" "Why, my dear Mackaye," said I, "you know the Reform Bill petitions were just as bad."

Brown listened to the story of Bobby's adventures with a mingled look of disgust at the foolishness of men, pride in Bobby's prowess, and resentment at having been left out of the drama of the night before. "It's maist michty, noo, Maister Traill, that ye wad tak' the leeberty o' leein' to me," he complained. "It was a gude lee or a bad nicht for an ill man.

Is there ony mair divine than the deep note o' a bagpipe, when it breathes the auncient meelodies o' leeberty an' love?