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Updated: August 3, 2024

"We think she is a pretty good little boat," modestly replied Rob, taking his place at the wheel. "Now, then, Merritt, start up that engine." "Hold on a minute!" shouted Tubby. "We forgot the dog." Sure enough, Skipper was dashing up and down the wharf in great distress at the prospect of being deserted. "Put yer boat alongside that landin' stage at the end of the wharf," suggested his master.

Every time these orchard fellers dig a hole to plant a young fruit tree they aims to heave a codfish in the bottom o' the hole first, for fertilizer. There was upwards o' two hundred thousand codfish in that schooner an' I've sold 'em for five cents each, delivered at Dunnigan's Landin'. I figger on cleanin' up about seven thousand net on the deal.

An' I seen more'n thet.... Wal, the river was high an' swift. But this was a long stretch with good landin' way below on the other side. We got the boat in, an' by rowin' hard an' driftin' we got acrost, leadin' the hosses. We had five when we took to the river. Two went down on the way over. We climbed out then. The Piutes went to find some Navajos an' get hosses.

It was a little lonesome, landin' in de midst ob a right smart piece ob timber, like a many another along de Big Muddy, whar de boats stop to wood up fearsome-enough place any day, but at night, wid dem tar-barrels a-flarin' an' dem women a-screechin' some on 'em gone clean crazy, and all on 'em actin' zif dey had it war more like dat place dan any 'scription I ebber heerd any minister gib ob it.

"This is Hermy's flat, an' I guess you think you're safe here but you ain't! I'm thinkin' out which'll do th' least harm to her furniture to lick ye here or drag you out on to the landin' first!" Mr. Ravenslee lounged lower in the armchair and yawned behind the box of matches.

"'It's never come like this before! hollers the Major, and then he goes down backward for the final touch, carryin' away a kerosene lamp, and the same landin' in a barrel of varnish. "Well, sir, what with the stuff that was loose around there and the varnish, my coat tails was afire when I lugged the Major out to where Hadds was industriously savin' the Mayoress' life.

"The landin' stage is awa' at the ether side o' the p'int; it's aye there they land. There's nae a man in a' this glen would come in here, unless it whar for some special reason. It's no' a vary grand place tae bring a boat in. The rocks are narrow at the mouth." "Do strangers often come to these parts?" "There are no strangers come to Inverashiel," said the keeper.

The post had been broken off in some storm and blown away. "There'll be stuff under there," said Raft, "and if we have to go back it'll come in handy. It's a pointer to the bay anyhow; there must be some landin' place near here, we've only got to keep on." They sat down and rested and had some food, eating as much as they wanted now that they had a store to depend on.

But fust, I must go down to the landin' an' buy them shoes an' tobacker; an' while I'm thar, I'll jest say a good word to Silas fur myself. I'm a nobody about this yere house, am I? Dave wouldn't give me them ten dollars to keep fur him, an' now I'll take somethin' outen his pocket without sayin' a word to him."

At de Landin', dat's lak. 'I'll go for him, he said. But his wife clung to him, beseeching him not to leave her, and indeed he was loth to leave his little one. I found Craig and told him the difficulty. With his usual promptness, he was ready with a solution. 'Nixon has a team. He will go. Then he added, 'I wonder if they would not like me to baptize their little one.

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