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Updated: August 4, 2024

I reckon ef it hadn't 'a' been fur thet crippled laig o' his'n, I'd nevah l'arned even thet much." She dropped her work for a moment as she reviewed this incident of her early married life. "Doubtless, madam, you underrate your stock of learning. I dare say you made rapid progress," said Dudley, politely. "Oh, I l'arned the readin' an' writin' all right, but, la! I nevah hed no haid fur figgahs.

The result showed how well he had calculated, the eagle not even varying his flight, sailing round and round in his airy circle, and looking down, as if in contempt, at his foes. "Now, Judith," cried Deerslayer, laughing, with glistening and delighted eyes, "we'll see if Killdeer isn't Killeagle, too! Give me room Sarpent, and watch the reason of the aim, for by reason any thing may be l'arned."

"I don't want to take sides in yore disputes, but Westerfelt certainly is settin' square up to Ab's daughter. I seed 'em takin' a ride in his new hug-me-tight buggy yesterday. She's been off to Cartersville, you know, an' has come back with dead loads o' finery. They say she's l'arned to play 'Dixie' on a pyanner an' reads a new novel every week. Ab's awfully tickled about it.

"I want," he said, sourly, "twilve good min, but I don't know that I can git them. Ye're a lot o' bog-trotters that don't know enough to heave on a capstan." "The hill we don't!" uttered a Galway man close to him. "We l'arned thot in Checa-a-go." "Ye mane," said Murphy, "that the Limerick boys tried to l'arn, but they couldn't. The wark's too hard." "Fwat's too ha-a-rd?" answered the Galway.

An' I've seen the time myself when I was hi-mighty glad I'd l'arned to count stitches. "Land sakes! Some o' them whalin' v'y'ges lasted three-four years. Cap'n Am'zon was in the old bark Neptune's Daughter when she was caught in the ice and drifted pretty average close't to the south pole. "You know," said Cap'n Abe reflectively, "the Antarctic regions ain't like the Arctic. 'Cause why?

Good comes out o' bad sometimes. Bitter from the sweet as well. And when a man's got a repertation to maintain There was that feller Hanks, on the Lunette, out o' Nantucket. I've heard Cap'n Am'zon tell it " "Cap'n Abe!" gasped Louise. "Hi-mighty! There I go again," said the storekeeper mournfully. "You can't teach an old dog new tricks nor break him of them he's l'arned!"

"Miss Lucretia Penniman done it." "Miss Lucretia Penniman!" Cynthia began to think his rheumatism was driving him out of his mind. "You bet. 'Long toward the openin' of the engagement there wahn't scarcely anybody thar but me, and they was a-goin'. But they come fast enough when they l'arned she was in town, and she blew 'em up higher'n the Petersburg crater. Great Tecumseh, there's a woman!

I didn't limp as bad then as I do now. I wahn't much use anywhere else, and I had l'arned to fight. Five Forks!" exclaimed Ephraim. "I call that day to mind as if it was yesterday. I remember how the boys yelled when they told us we was goin' to Sheridan. We got started about daylight, and it took us till four o'clock in the afternoon to git into position.

Said you was a good feller and might help wise me to things in the store here till I'd l'arned her riggin' and how to sail her proper." Cap'n Joab was frankly pleased by this. He spelled out the note Cap'n Abe had addressed to him slowly, being without his reading glasses, and then said: "I'm yours to command, Cap'n Silt. Land sakes! I s'pose your brother had a puffict right to go away.

They begun creepin' into the clearin' the minute it begun growin' dark. Reckon it's time they l'arned who's cooped up in here, so's they won't git too bold." He removed the bar of the door and through the crevice sounded his terrible war-cry, the scream of a panther. It stabbed the dusk with ear-splitting intensity. "There!

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