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Give him another chance? Let him listen in. What's that? Location? Clarendon Street, near Orton Place; about second door, I'd say. That's all right. Thanks, yourself." Dropping the receiver on its hook he tossed off his headpiece, snapped at five buttons, then settled back in his chair. "These kids'll be the death of me yet," he grumbled.

Isn't it pretty here?" "Oh, yes'm. It's mighty pretty. But, you see, if I don't get down to the office early, the other kids'll get my place. If I lose it once I mayn't never get it again." "The office? Your place? What do you mean?" "Down to th' Express. There's some steam holes in the sidewalk, you know, and they're as warm as summer.

All kids'll lie when they think they can make somethin' out of it." Shadrach grunted. "Maybe so," he said, "but I ain't caught this one in a lie so far. And I doubt if she's lyin' now. Now, Mary-'Gusta, is there any way you can prove you was in that parlor, and what's his name David was there at the time you say? Is there?" Again Mary-'Gusta hesitated.

Say, Norberg, tell that fathead, Callahan, if he don't keep the third drawer t' the right in my desk locked, th' office kids'll swipe all the roller rink passes surest thing you know." "I'll tell him, Black," stammered Norberg, and turned away. They said good-by, awkwardly enough. Not one of them that did not owe him an unpayable debt of gratitude.

Mikky didn't do nothin', Mikky jes' tried to save der little kid. Mikky's a good'un. You get the folks to put Mikky out here. We kids'll take him away" The policeman finally attended to the fierce pleading of the ragamuffins. Two or three newspaper men joined the knot around them and the story was presently written up with all the racy touches that the writers of the hour know how to use.

If Ed was present at such times he would look up from his paper to say, "The kids'll never thank you for it, Marsh." "I don't want them to." There was something strangely familiar about the whole thing as it sounded in Hannah's ears. The matter of the brace, alone. There was a tiny gap between Joan's two front teeth and, strangely enough, between Peter's as well.

"Don't guess Zip's claim amounts to pea-shucks neither," the storekeeper went on, his mind leaning towards the financial side of the matter. "No." "Them kids'll cost money, too." Bill nodded, but no one could have detected any interest in his movement. "How'd it be to get that claim worked for him while he's away?" Bill shrugged. "Mebbe Zip'll be gettin' back," he said. "An' if he don't."

'Look 'ere, said the burglar, 'I've come 'ere straight outer the pleece station. These 'ere kids'll tell you it ain't no blame er mine. 'Well, you WERE a burglar, you know, said the truthful Anthea gently. 'Only because I was druv to it by dishonest blokes, as well you knows, miss, rejoined the criminal. 'Blowed if this ain't the 'ottest January as I've known for years.

"It would be a change for me," Nellie agreed she was beyond doubt flattered and calmly pleased. "But I can't possibly come to-morrow. You can see that for yourself, dear." "No, I can't!" he cried impatiently. "What does it matter? Mother'll be here. The kids'll be all right. After all, spring-cleaning isn't the Day of Judgment."

I've just been fixing him up comfortably, and he'll be all right after a bit, but he's got to lie very still right where he is and be taken care of." "We kids'll take care o' Mikky!" said Buck proudly. "He tooked care of Jinney when she was sick, an' we'll take care o' Mikky, all right, all right. You jes' brang him out an' we'll fetch a wheelbarry an' cart him off'n yer han's.