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Updated: August 8, 2024

But he was to the fore very soon with a discovery of equal weight. This time his confidant was Maxwell. "Why is it," he asked that busy citizen one evening, "that when I get in the bathtub the water rises highah? Ain't the' some principle the' that is impo'tant? As I think it ovah "

He didn't even look at him. "What's the matter with yo' this mo'ning, Brer Coon?" shouted Unc' Billy. Bobby Coon kept right on, without so much as turning his head. Unc' Billy watched him, and there was a puzzled look on Unc' Billy's face. "Must be that Brer Coon has something powerful impo'tant on his mind," muttered Unc' Billy, as he started on.

"Yo' come near ter spilein' Perfesser Henderson's most impo'tant assistant. How do you 'speck de perfesser c'd git erlong widout me?" This was certainly an unanswerable question, and the boys admitted it. They were sorry Wash had been so badly frightened, but they were delighted at the possession of the tusks of the walrus.

Then Little Joe gave a funny little gasp. "Why, why-e-e!" said he, "I believe Buster Bear is afraid too!" Unc' Billy Possum chuckled. "Ah believe yo' are right again, Brer Otter," said he. "It cert'nly does look so. If Brer Bear isn't scared, he must have remembered something impo'tant and has gone to attend to it in a powerful hurry." Then everybody began to laugh.

"Hol' on, Ike!" broke in Dunkin, laying a soothing hand on the other's knee, "don' git on yo' high hoss. Dis hyeah's a impo'tant mattah." "I ain't got nothin' to say." "He ain't never tol' you 'bout havin' nothin' but Cubian money on him?" Isaac started. "I see he have. He tol' me de same thing." The two men sat staring suspiciously into each other's faces.

"I'm tur'ble sorry, Miss Billie," said Debbie, gently but very, very firmly, "but mah young man and me we has a mos' awful impo'tant in-gagement fo' dis aft'noon, an' I couldn't break it no'm, much as I want to." She added that last in the evident hope of appeasing her young mistress, who was still regarding her with horrified eyes.

"I must get down to the Laughing Brook before dark." "'Pears to me it must be mighty impo'tant to make yo' hurry this way," said Unc' Billy Possum. "It is," replied Peter Rabbit. "It's to keep me from going crazy." Unc' Billy looked at Peter very hard for a few minutes, just as if he thought that Peter was crazy already. Then he put a hand behind one ear just as if he was hard of hearing.

"I'm Kid Wolf, from Texas, sah. I have impo'tant news fo' the leader of this outfit." One of the sextet separated himself from the others and came so close to the Texan that their horses almost touched. "I'm in command!" he barked. "My name's Modoc. I'm in charge o' this train, and takin' it to Sante Fe." The man, Modoc, was an impressive individual, bulky and stern.

I've got to tell you something impo'tant, and I'm going to do it now. I can't write any more about literatuah of the past and lily-pads of the present, as you would say. Who ca'es about 'em? I don't. The wo'ld to-day is interested in the life of to-day. Men think about theah wo'k and theah incomes and theah homes and theah wives and theah children, and that's all they think about.

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