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"Say please!" said Noel imperturbably. "Please!" said Hilda obediently. He rose and accompanied her to the door. "Madam, your wishes shall be respected." He opened the door with a flourish, bowed her out, closed it, and softly turned the key. Then he wheeled round to his sister with gleaming eyes. "That's done the trick, I bet. Trevor has just turned up with Jack. But you needn't be afraid.

'Father! The answer was so unexpected that George jumped up from his chair with a cry of surprise, and even Gabriel, who was in the secret of his brother's love for Mab, looked astonished and pained. 'I do not approve of the engagement, went on the bishop, imperturbably. 'You do not approve of Mab! said Captain Pendle, slowly, and his face became pale with anger.

And he lays it all at the feet of that young girl who is wandering in yonder boschetto with a penniless artist." "He is certainly a phoenix of princes! The signora must be in a state of bliss." The Cavaliere looked imperturbably grave. "The signora has a high esteem for his character." "His character, by the way," rejoined Rowland, with a smile; "what sort of a character is it?"

Indeed, as Washington Trigg looked around on the imperturbably ironical faces of his companions, he knew that they felt more true joy over the blunder than they would in the possession of the real statue. But an exclamation from the fifth member, who was examining the box, arrested their attention. "There's suthin' else here!"

"Whether you like it or not, it's the fact," said Mrs. Greyle imperturbably, "and it can't be left out. Well, as I say, no one knew the Squire had come to England, until one day Chatfield calmly walked down the quay with him, introducing him right and left. He brought him here." "Ah!" said Gilling. "That's interesting. Now I wonder if you found out if he was well up in the family history?"

"You'll have to prove there's gold in paying quantities here," he stated pompously. "That's what I aim to do," Stanley told him imperturbably. "I proved, over fifteen years ago, that there WASN'T," Peaceful drawled laconically, and sucked so hard upon his pipe that his cheeks held deep hollows. Stanley grinned at him. "Sorry I can't let it go at that," he said ironically.

"I merely wanted to assure myself that you would not leave the city until I had obtained sufficient data with which to approach you," the detective responded, imperturbably. "I have come to-night for a little talk with you, Mr. Rockamore. I trust I am not intruding?" "Not at all. As a matter of fact, after to-day's incidents I was rather expecting you."

"On the contrary, let us avoid her by every means in our power," said De Forest, imperturbably, walking Bell off in the opposite direction. "I never choose pearls when I may have diamonds. There's Miss Vernor. We'll go and speak with her." "But I don't want to," objected Bell, crossly. "I am not at all as fond of Miss Vernor as you are."

The hotel is not so far from the beach but you can sit in the front room and hear the surf. It was a small hotel when I used to frequent it, and was kept by Pemberton himself gone, now, alas! with his venerable dusty hair and red face, imperturbably amiable. He was no seaman.

"What the devil do you mean " But the Jap's very impassiveness checked him and with an immense effort he regained command of himself. And imperturbably Yoshio advanced the tray again. "Master's mail," he repeated, in precisely the same voice as before, but this time he raised his veiled glance to Craven's face.