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I want you to say, 'My frien', 'Sieur Innerarity, never care to sell anything; 'tis for egs-hibby-shun'; mais when somebody look at it, so," the artist cast upon his work a look of languishing covetousness, "'you say, foudre tonnerre! what de dev'! I take dat ris-pon-sibble-ty you can have her for two hun'red fifty dollah! Better not be too proud, eh, 'Sieur Frowenfel'?"

I wad hae thought better o' it had thou made it when it took the last plack i' thy pouch. Out o' thy great wealth, a few hun'red pounds is nae matter to speak aboot." But people did speak of it. In spite of our chronic abuse of human nature it is, after all, a kindly nature, and rejoices in good more than in evil.

"But what do you think of old Lauzanne?" exclaimed Carter. "He just wore Diablo down, hung to him like a bulldog, an' beat him out." "It was the girl's ridin'; an' Lauzanne was feared, too. He's chicken-hearted; that's what he is. Some day in a race he'll get away in front av his horses, an' beat 'em by the length av a street. He'll be a hun'red to wan, an' nobody'll have a penny on."

There now arose a discussion as to what was the "number of the year." Aunt Judy knew that the "war" was somewhere along in "sixty," and thought it must certainly be seventy or eighty by this time; while Uncle Braddock, who was accustomed to look back a long way, was sure it was "nigh on to a hun'red."

"Yes," responded Anna with studied abstraction, "when the window happens to be up. It's so warm to-night, I " "Ah, Anna!" "What, dear?" In secret panic Anna came and looked out at Flora's side caressingly. "At last," playfully sighed the Creole, "'tis good-by, Kincaid's Battery. Good-by, you hun'red good fellows, with yo' hun'red horses and yo' hun'red wheels and yo' hun'red hurras."

"About a thousand, Gideon." "Well, I'd moughty like five hun'red of it, ef that's 'greeable to yo'." Felix whistled. "Five hundred? Pork-chops must be coming high. You don't want to carry all that money around, do you?" Gideon did not answer; he looked very gloomy. Stuhk hastened to cheer him. "Of course you can have anything you want. Wait a minute, and I will get it for you.

He says they think they'll pay him off fur three hun'red; but he says he knows, he does; un' he's goin' t' hold 'em up fur half. Unless they give him half he'll tell " "What?" asked Eleanor, suddenly wakening up to the meaning of the chatter. "What is your father?" "He's trunk jes' now," said the child. Then she reached her face up to Eleanor's confidentially.

Lauzanne is nine to one; how much dye want?" "Lay me ten?" asked Old Bill of the bookmaker. "To how much?" "A hun'red; an' me frien' wants a hun'red on, too." "I'll do it," declared Faust, impatiently. "Ten hundred to one, Lauzanne!" he called over his shoulder to his clerk, taking the bettor's money; "an' the number is ?" "Twenty-five, tree-four-six!" answered Old Bill.

To Ronald he said nothing of this reluctance; he simply put vouchers for both transactions in his hand, and asked him to "try an' spend the siller as weel as it had been earned." But to Margaret he fretted not a little. "Fourteen hun'red pounds a' thegither, dawtie," he said in a tearful voice.

Noo, laddie, ye ma ken that at present we are in the bed o' ain o' these auld streams three hun'red feet frae the tap o' the earth, and it's here we get the gold, and as we gae on we follow the wandrin's o' the river and lose sight o' it. 'Yes, said Vandeloup quickly, 'but you lost this river you call the Devil's Lead how was that?