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Up, and to the Office, where busy till it was time to go to the Commissioners of Accounts, which I did about noon, and there was received with all possible respect, their business being only to explain the meaning of one of their late demands to us, which we had not answered in our answer to them, and, this being done, I away with great content, my mind being troubled before, and so to the Exchequer and several places, calling on several businesses, and particularly my bookseller's, among others, for "Hobbs's Leviathan,"

But hearing this he walked home, and replaced the dress-coat and silk stockings he had ventured to remove, promptly in his valise, which he buckled down and locked swallowed with agitated voracity some fragments of breakfast got on his easy boots and gaiters brushed his best hat, and locked it into its leather case placed his rug, great-coat, and umbrella, and a rough walking-stick for service, and a gold-tipped, exquisite cane, for duty on promenades of fashion, neatly on top of his valise, and with his old white hat and shooting-coat on, looking and whistling as much as possible as usual, he popped carelessly into John Hobbs's stable, where he was glad to see three horses standing, and he mentally chose the black cob for his flight to Dollington.

"Ay, an' some men's, too," guffawed Hobbs. "Wot about Peggy Smith, Fred?" Elkin blew a mouthful of cigarette smoke at the butcher. "What about that tough old bull you bought at Knoleworth on Monday?" he retorted. Hobbs's face grew purple. Mr. Franklin beckoned to Tomlin. "Ask these gentlemen what they'll have," he said gently.

By liberal advances on his part, the American department was fitted up; and day after day, as some new product of American ingenuity and taste was added to the list, McCormick's reaper, Colt's revolver, Powers's Greek Slave, Hobbs's unpickable lock, Hoe's wonderful printing presses, and Bond's more wonderful spring governor, -it began to be suspected that Brother Jonathan was not quite so much of a simpleton as had been thought.

Well, it will scarcely matter how I look so long as I do not attract attention." As if Dorothy could help attracting attention! Mrs. Hobbs's generous form had dropped behind the hill. There was nothing to wait for now, Dorothy must get out of that window. The window frame was that sort that runs to the roof and has not far to go.

Hobbs's Reflection gives us the Reason why the insignificant People above-mentioned are Stirrers up of Laughter among Men of a gross Taste: But as the more understanding Part of Mankind do not find their Risibility affected by such ordinary Objects, it may be worth the while to examine into the several Provocatives of Laughter in Men of superior Sense and Knowledge.

"It was Dale Cottage, it is Hobbs' Lodge now; can't you read?" said the heir of the Hobbs's honours, losing, in contempt at the girl's ignorance, his first impression of sympathy. "And and Mr. Butler, is he gone too?" Poor child! she spoke as if the cottage was gone, not improved; the Ionic portico had no charm for her! "Butler! no such person lives here. Pa, do you know where Mr. Butler lives?"

I tried once, with a pair of hospital drawers, and they were like Sam Hyde's dog, that got cut in two, and clapped together again in a hurry, two legs up and two legs down. Miss Craydocke, why don't you go down among the freedmen? You haven't half a sphere up here. Nothing but Hobbs's Location, and the little Hoskinses." "I can't organize and execute. Letitia can. It's her gift.

Decision and energy are master-keys to almost most all doors not fortified by Hobbs's patent locks. A party of tipsy Americans one night stormed a Parisian guard-house, disarmed the sentry, and sent the guard flying in desperate fear, thinking that a general émente was in progress.

She she ain't married again, is she?" "Married! No no, sir, she ain't married." "Then then See here, boy; what's your name your whole name?" "George Ellis Hobbs. I'm Mr. Hobbs's boy, up to South Middleboro, you know. I'm down here stayin' with Aunt Thankful. She " "Sshh! sshh! Don't talk so loud. So you're Mr. Hobbs's boy, eh? What eh? Oh, yes, yes. You're ma was was Sarah Cahoon, wa'n't she?"