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Updated: July 31, 2024

He was like Hingston in looking for a sign; in that day of remoteness from any greater world the people of the backwoods longed to feel themselves near the greatest world of all, and well within the radius of its mysteries.

Two years will soon have passed away since last he spoke, and "Silence now, enamour'd of his voice Looks its mute music in her rugged cell." E.P. HINGSTON. LONDON, October 1868. Sir I'm movin along slowly along down tords your place. I want you should rite me a letter, sayin how is the show bizniss in your place. Tayler John Bunyan Capt Kidd and Dr. Webster in the act of killin Dr.

But I reckon, now he's gone, they'll behave themselves. None of the saints that are left will make trouble." "No, with Enraghty out of the way and that kind old fool Hingston, with his example of mistaken righteousness, we can get along fairly enough with the old dispensation.

"I reckon you come over here because it seemed kind o' lonesome. Goin' to stay all night with Uncle?" "Yes. You won't mind being there alone?" "Oh, no! Not much, I reckon." "You can stay here too, if you want to " "Oh, no! Mom," he confessed shyly, "I brung Benny Hingston with me. I thought you'd let him stay all night with me." "Why, certainly, Joey "

There the members of the beforementioned club travelled from London to see him two at a time that he might be less lonely and for the unwearying solicitude of his friend and agent, Mr. Hingston, and to the kindly sympathy of the United States Consul at Southampton, Charles Browne's best and dearest friends had cause to be grateful.

My wife well home in the evening from the play; which I was glad of, it being cold and dark, and she having her necklace of pearl on, and none but Mercer with her. 19th. Talked of the King's family with Mr. Hingston, the organist.

Hingston took me 'n' Benny down on a boat; and I seen a stuffed elephant in a show, or a museum, they called it. Benny said it was just like the real one in the circus at Wheeling. Mother, do you believe he throwed hisself in?" "Who, Joey?" she faintly asked. "Why, the Good Old Man. That's what some of 'em said, them that was disappointed about the New Jerusalem.

The passengers frown on me for this carelessness, but the kind-hearted Ryder gives me a small double-barrelled gun, with which I narrowly escape murdering my beloved friend Hingston in cold blood. I am not used to guns and things, and in changing the position of this weapon I pulled the trigger rather harder than was necessary.

He led their services in the Temple, and sometimes preached for them when it came their turn to occupy the house which they shared with the other sects. Hingston was a Methodist, but perhaps because their sects were so akin in doctrine and polity their difference made no division between the friends: Enraghty little and fierce and restless, Hingston large and kind and calm.

He welcomed Enraghty to the place which he left beside Hingston, and slowly, with the step of one in a dream, mounted the stairs of the pulpit, amidst the silent amaze of the people. He began without preamble in the blend of scriptural text and crude every-day parlance which he ordinarily used.

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