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"That new hat's a great success. Didn't I tell you mauve was your colour? Turn round. Yes, dear, you look charming. Where in the world, I wonder, did you all get that grand look of yours from? I don't mean your good looks merely, but that look of distinction. Your father and mother have it too; but where did they get it from? You're a puzzle-family all of you. But wouldn't you like a cup of tea?

The opening of this subject was again conventional, the only deviation from the ordinary manner of procedure being that, instead of the hat's passing round it was inverted upon the table beside the pulpit, while contributors, passing up the aisles, deposited their contributions and returned to their seats.

They have made me look like thirty cents not once, but a dozen times. I can gaze into the dim, hazy distance and see where every one of these coy, clever fellows is going to get it, and get it good, and I am glad of it. My hat's off. Say, Jim, I'm not much for these love stories in the books. They are liable to mislead a fellow.

Ye'er hat's dinted, an' ye have ye'er necktie over ye'er ear; an' I see be ye'er hand ye've hit a Dutchman. Jawn, ye know no more about politics thin a mimber iv this here Civic Featheration. Didn't ye have a beer bottle or an ice-pick?

"Forgive me that I was about to offer you money." The hat's brim bent now, but under it I could see the honest eyes full of pain. "Forgive you!" I cried. "Who am I to forgive you? You were right: I am no better than a beggar." The red lips quivered and broke into a smile; a tiny dimple appeared, vanished and reappeared; the hat's brim nodded again, and then the eyes sparkled into laughter

The native canoes amused the French captain. They "could be of use only to people who are expert swimmers, for they are constantly turned over. This is an accident, however, at which they feel less surprise and anxiety than we should at a hat's blowing off.

Where you been keeping yourself? Ain't he the limit? He's the same old penny! Look at him even his hat's the same!" Joe shook hand after hand, until his own was numb. They crowded about him, they flung their fondness at him, and he stood, his eyes blinded with tears, his heart rent in his breast, and a new color climbing to his cheeks. Then suddenly a loud voice cried: "What's the matter?

"Ina," said Lulu, "your hat's just a little mite no, over the other way." "Was there anything to prevent your speaking of that before?" Ina inquired acidly. "I started to and then somebody always said something," said Lulu humbly. Nothing could so much as cloud Lulu's hour. She was proof against any shadow. "Say, but you look tremendous to-night," Dwight observed to her.

He came at the same time as the walnut-man, and bought those walnuts. And he put them in his hat. His hat, mind you, not your hat. Your hat's hanging up in the usual place. You might have seen it if you'd looked. Only you're " "Eliza," I said, "you need say no more. If that is so, the servant-girl is much less to blame than I had supposed.

"Not a bit! But I guess my hat's about done for, without I can get it pressed over; and I d'know as this kind of straw doos press." "First-rate!" called the captain from above. "Never mind the hat." But the girl continued fondly trying to reshape it, while the old man fidgeted anxiously, and protested that he would be sure to be left.