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But now, with the Soviet rulers striving to exploit this ferment for their own purposes, the task has become harder and more urgent terribly urgent. In this situation, we see the meaning and the importance of the Point IV program, through which we can share our store of know-how and of capital to help these people develop their economies and reshape their societies.

But to know himself has a hugely practical value to every man, since upon that knowledge depends self-correction. For "man is the only animal that deliberately undertakes while reshaping his outer world to reshape himself also." Moreover, man is the only seeker of perfection; he is a deep, intense critic of himself.

The city all around us glittered asleep in the dim December sunshine, and far below us, on the length of the Forum over which the Appian Way stretched from the Capitoline Hill under the Arch of Septimius Severus and the Arch of Titus to the Arch of Constantine, leaving the Coliseum on the left, and losing itself in the foliage of the suburbs, the Past seemed struggling to emerge from the ruins, and to reshape and animate itself anew.

Guizot describes it as "a vast effort of the human mind to achieve its freedom a great endeavor to emancipate human reason." Lord Bacon takes it as the reawakening of antiquity and the recall of former times to reshape and fashion our own.

Indeed, Starratt had always prided himself at his ability to keep Brauer at arm's length. A subtle change had occurred. Was it possible that a borrowed five-dollar bill could so reshape a relationship? Well, he would pay him back once he received his monthly salary, and get over with the obligation.

Either the great Dominions will become independent states, as the American colonies did, and pursue a foreign policy and maintain a system of defence of their own; or the Empire must reshape itself as a sort of permanent offensive and defensive alliance, whose external policy and modes of defence will be arranged by agreement; or some mode of common management of these and other questions must be devised.

It was emphatically an age of doers; and if men who felt the constructive urge in them might not lay hold on conditions where they were and reshape them, then they must go forward seeking that environment which would give their genius its opportunity. Robertson was twenty-eight years old when, in 1770, he rode over the hills to Watauga.

This period when education is usually finished is just the time to begin; but to explain this new plan properly, let us take up our story where we left it. Our passions are the chief means of self-preservation; to try to destroy them is therefore as absurd as it is useless; this would be to overcome nature, to reshape God's handiwork.

I need not dwell, I suppose, on the other consideration that is involved in this strange exercise of authority viz., the naturalness, as without any sense of doing anything presumptuous or extraordinary, with which Christ assumes His right to handle divine appointments with the most perfect freedom, to modify them, to reshape them, to divert them from their first purpose, and to enjoin them with an authority equal to that with which the Lord said unto Moses, 'Keep ye this day through your generations. There is only one supposition on which I, for my part, can understand that conduct that He was the possessor of authority the same as the Authority that had originally instituted the rite.

Let us resolutely face the facts, accept them, and then reshape our lives, bravely and valiantly, to suit the new conditions. For instance a friend of mine spent twenty years in the employ of a great corporation. As a reward of faithful service he was finally put in a responsible position as the head of a department. A few months ago he was sent East on a special mission connected with his work.