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Witch would pay for the expensive operation needed to make a little girl walk again after a crippling disease several years before. Bone would be grafted, new muscles would be grafted, American medical know-how in its full extent would be put at her service. Keep healthy by keeping clean with Witch, the announcer suggested.

"I don't know what we're comin' to, these days." "There, there, Ma, I don't know why women shouldn't be doctors, if they want to. They make better nusses'n men. Mebbe mebbe Sis'll be gettin' married some day, an' I tell ye a little doctorin' know-how is mighty handy in a house. A doctor an' a lawyer, now, would be a gret team, right in the fambly, like. Well, Sis, we'll see; we'll see."

"And I didn't think you'd ever monkeyed with a vault; why, you couldn't, not if you was to try till Gabriel did his little turn in the morning not unless you'd been caught when you were softer and put wise. Man, it's a bigger job than you think, and you've got to have the know-how and the nerve before you can put it over. But there I'll keep it dark, seeing you want me to."

"How did you know-how did you know?" he asked hoarsely. "It's been just as you say. You've watched some one fighting?" "I have watched some one fighting fighting," answered David clearly, but his eyes were moist. "With drink, the same as me?" "No, with opium laudanum." "Oh, I've heard that's worse, that it makes you mad, the wanting it." "I have seen it so." "Did the man break down like me?"

Second, the combination of American technical know-how, the luxury of the best technically educated and trained society in the world, and the entrepreneurial spirit of our system offers vast potential if we are clever enough to exploit this extraordinary resource.

"There's no way o' workin' that doesn't mean goin' to pole er single they never put me in the Power-machine er under saddle," said Rick. "Oh, shucks! We're talkin' same ez we graze," said Nip, "raound an' raound in circles. Rod, we hain't heard from you yet, an' you've more know-how than any span here."

"When it's all been accomplished, you'll be an Upper. I'm ambitious, too, Joe. Just as ambitious as you are. I need an In. You'll be it. I'll make you. I have the know-how. I can do it. When you're made, you'll make me." When Major Mauser, escorting Dr.

"It takes an awful lot of people, working together at an awful lot of jobs, to keep a civilization running. Smash the installations and kill the top technicians and scientists, and the masses don't know how to rebuild and go back to stone hatchets. Kill off enough of the masses and even if the planet and the know-how is left, there's nobody to do the work.

This Nation belongs among the first to explore it, and among the first if not the first we shall be. We are offering our know-how and our cooperation to the United Nations. Our satellites will soon be providing other nations with improved weather observations.

This Nation belongs among the first to explore it, and among the first if not the first we shall be. We are offering our know-how and our cooperation to the United Nations. Our satellites will soon be providing other nations with improved weather observations.