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Updated: August 8, 2024

The elder miner slapped his leg gleefully, as if pleased with a joke, and said: "Well, I went up there five or six days ago, tryin' to find you, because I'd lost the combination to the safe, and wanted to look over them old drawings. I sneaked back, because I was a little jealous to see you sittin' on the pipe talkin' right friendly to such a good-looker.

"No, I'll come with you." "Please go back. It may be serious. I'll come as soon as I can," said Andrews harshly. She walked up the hill with swift decisive steps, without turning round. "Tough luck, buddy," said the M. P. "She's a good-looker. I'd like to have a half-hour with her myself." "Look here. I'm in the Sorbonne School Detachment in Paris, and I came down here without a pass.

Schoolma'am says she's a good-looker, herself, and that Joe Meeker has took to parting his hair on the dead center and wearing a four-inch, celluloid collar week days. But he's all to the bad she just looks at your picture and smiles sad and longing." "I hate to see a man impose on friendship," murmured Pink.

Then Louis would show me how a certain, eloquent glance of eye, a smile, a daring, a lifted hat, a spoken word, hesitancies, giggles, coy nervousnesses and, behold, Louis acquainted and nodding me up to be introduced. But when we paired off to stroll along boy and girl together, I noted that Louis had invariably picked the good-looker and left to me the little lame sister.

"Helen says I resemble you in everything but brain power, Senator. I'm a good-looker as a husband, but a poor mutt in Wall Street." They laughed at the conceit. The two men were curiously alike in face and figure, though a close observer like Clancy would have classed them as opposite as the poles in character and temperament. Meiklejohn's features were cast in the stronger mold.

Wal, one o' them two was Stutter's catch, a high-kickin' Mexican dancin' gal down ter San Juan. I ain't goin' ter tell yer what I think o' her fer fear o' gittin' perforated. She hed 'long with her another performer, a darn good-looker, too, as near as I could make out in the dark. Wal, them two gals was purtendin' ter be huntin' arter you; wanted ter warn yer agin Farnham, er some sich rot.

The bulk of the visitor shook under a suppressed laugh. "Well," he retorted, "I do not go. This woman. A good-looker, eh? She is pleasant to men? Where is she? Who is she?" "She's my secretary, sir." Elas jumped at the change of his visitor's humour. "She's not much more than a kid. But she's quite a 'looker, I'll send for her, if you'll permit me. She's getting some reports for me.

"A corker." "Corker?" "I mean that you're a good-looker that it's no labor at all to gaze right at you. I didn't think they grew them so far from headquarters, but I see I'm wrong. You are certainly all right. Pardon me for saying this to you so soon after we meet, but I have learned that you will never break a woman's heart by telling her that she is a beaut."

"And we were no more than turned about when up rides the master, Jack, both ears pointin' Molly, and says: "'Good-looker you have there, Lory. New purchase? "'No, indeed, says Lory; 'old hunter I've had some years; brought her on from the West; just up off grass and not quite prime yet; guess she'll finish, though.

Conroy glanced half wistfully over his shoulder in the direction where Johnnie had vanished. "She's a good-looker all right," he said thoughtfully. "And smile when that girl smiles and turns those eyes on you by George! if she was taken to New York and put through one of those finishing schools she'd make a sensation in the swagger set." Stoddard nodded gravely.

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