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"Dat's all righd!" repeated the Professor, "now you think you're so smart I'm going to prove you a liar! I heard you the other day tell dis young man here dat dere vas no golt in dis district. Vell! All righd! We vill see now joost look! Vat you call dat now, my goot young friend?" He dumped out the contents of his canvas ore-sack and nodded to Denver triumphantly. "I suppose dat aindt golt, eh!

"You see?" leered the Professor jerking his thumb towards the door, "dot man vas trying to do you. He don't like to haf me show you dis golt. He vants you to believe dat here is only silver; but I am a cheologist I know!" "Yes, this is gold," admitted Denver, wetting the thin strip of quartz, "but it don't look like much of a vein. Whereabouts did you get these specimens?"

"Ja, ja, laty, it ist so; but vhen der heart goes, golt might be t'ought sheap to go wid it." The old lady was half ready to laugh in my face, at hearing this attempt at Germanic English; but the kindness, and delight, and benevolent tenderness of her still fine eyes, made me wish to throw myself in her arms again, and kiss her.

His long, sharp chin was suddenly thrust out, one eye had a dangerous droop; but the Professor returned his gaze with an insolent stare and a triumphant toss of the head. "Dat's all right!" he said, "you say my golt mine is a stringer I say your silver mine is nuttings. You haf no title, according to law, but only by the custom of the country."

"Mine gracious!" whispered the disturbed German lad: "I dinks dot if they don't got de golt then the golt don't got dem, and fader he won't be as bleased as nefer vos." "There isn't any hurry, Otto, in putting your words together, and it is a good time for you to try to string them so they will make a little sense." "Yaw; I vill tries." "Sh! There comes some one!"

Yes, the greatest landlord in the land must hunt up his creditor, or be sued, all the same as the lowest tenant." "Und he most bay in a partic'lar ding; he most bay in golt or silver?" "True; lawful tender is as good for one as 'tis for t'other."

"And all them chains and rings, be they gold too?" "Not true golt; nein, nein, I might not say dat. But goot enough golt for blain folks, like you and me."

You can pick out dat rich quartz and pack it down to the crick and vash out the pure quill golt; but dat ore of Old Bunk's is all mixed oop with lead and zinc, and with antimonia too. You vil haf to buy the sacks, and pay the freight, and the smelter charges, too; and dese custom smelters they penalize you for everyt'ing, and cheat you out of what's left.

He say mit himselluf 'I haf der golt und der bower, hey? He von pig fool. He dinks you der fool vas, und der eye uf him he vinks like der glown py der circus. But yust vait. Vait till der honest sons uf doil rise by deir might oop und smite der blow vich gif liperty to der millions!" At this there was a wild outburst of applause and a chorus of hoarse shouts: "Up mit der red flag!" "Strike now!"

"Donner und blitz!" exclaimed Herr Schlager, when he realized that the wet and sandy bag on the counter before him contained money, for he was too familiar with the chink of gold to mistake the sound. "Was haben sie, hier, Leopold?" "Money, gold, specie, coin, geld," replied the boatman, hardly less excited than his Teutonic uncle. "So mooch golt!