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It was a bountiful repast, with Ah Foon, the Chinese cook, coming to the door every few minutes to see for himself if the flapjack plates did not need replenishing. "We are going to get our ponies first of all," Rhoda announced. "Oh! I am so hungry for a ride a good ride again." "But, goodness! don't we have to be fitted to them?" demanded Bess, the incorrigible.

The farmer started to his feet, and stood gazing in the direction from which the cry had come. "It's only a stray dog howling," said Brent. Reinfelter turned toward his wife, and the moonlight showed that his face was white with terror. "De warnoong!" he said, in a low voice. "D'r geishter-shray foon de bairga!" The woman covered her face with her hands, and began trembling and sobbing.

And you will be glad enough to eat roast antelope after it has hung for a couple of days. Ah Foon will prepare it deliciously." "Come on, Nan," said Bess, "and take a squint through the glasses. But don't let Grace look. She will want to capture them all and keep them for pets." But Nan was looking in another direction. Along the western horizon a dull, slate-colored cloud was slowly rising.

A' seemed rawsy for the wee boy, but yin day, accused o' the mairder o' the butler an' the bairglary of his brithers' troosers, he rin frae hame, crossin' to Ameriky, wheer he foon' employment wi' a rancher as coo-boy. Whilst there, his naturally adventurous speerit brocht him into contact wi' Alkali Pete the Road-Agent ye ken the feller that haulds oop the Deadville stage?"

There is a Christian Chinese evangelist working among our people in the West, Lum Foon, and I have met the pastor of a Pacific coast church who told me that nearly a third of his congregation were Chinamen, and he esteemed them highly.

They hae taen 't intill their heids, for ae thing an that's what Dilse's Bess lays on at 'at 'cause they're fisher fowk, they hae a speecial mission to convert the warl'." "What foon' they that upo'?" asked Malcolm. "Ow, what the Saviour said to Peter an' the lave o' them 'at was fishers to come to him, an' he would mak them fishers o' men." "Ay, I see!

"Sorry o' me knows, sorr, why them omahdawns is makin' all av that row a-hollerin'," said Tim, scratching his head as he always did when puzzled for the moment for an answer. "It's ownly Misther Gray-ham, sorr, an' Misther Wakes havin' a little bit of foon togither, an' settlin' their differses in a frindly way, loike, sorr." "Fighting, I suppose, eh?"

I'll moind my paychant now till that old thaife Weston's finished all the schraps lift in the plates an' bottles from lunch; an' thin, faith, he shall take charge of him an' I'll come up too, to say the foon. Now, be off wid ye, colonel, dear; you'll say the poor chap ag'in afther the rumpus is over. Dick Haldane, me darlint, hind the colonel the loan of yer arrum, alannah.

"Ay, to be sure. And in some parts against Brassing, by what I've heard say, the folks fell on 'em when they were spying, and broke their peep-holes as they carry, and drove 'em away, so as they knew better than come again." "It war good foon, I'd be bound," said Hiram, whose fun was much restricted by circumstances. "Well, I wouldn't meddle with 'em myself," said Solomon.

Things may be bad for the poor man bad they are; but I want the lads here not to do what will make things worse for themselves. The cattle may have a heavy load, but it won't help 'em to throw it over into the roadside pit, when it's partly their own fodder." "We war on'y for a bit o' foon," said Hiram, who was beginning to see consequences. "That war all we war arter."