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Updated: August 29, 2024

I got very dirty, though, and I have no doubt I looked as ridiculous as I felt, and for that I expected to be tenderly dealt with; but when I went to ask after the child, a few days later, a neighbour told me that its mother was out, and it was a good thing too, as she had been heard to declare she would 'go for that lady the next time she saw her, for flingin' of her bairn about!"

That there woman's a Niagary of cuss words and abuse." "If yo' let her out, take me outside with yo'," begged Jeff Hackberry. "She'll kill me, sho', if I've to stay in here till mornin' with her. She begun by flingin' a bag o' red pepper in my face, and set us all to sneezin' until I thought the 'Squire'd sneeze his durned head off.

He lied about his money him a pauper all the time; and now he waits and watches me o' nights, when he thinks I'm drunk or dreamin' an' I ban't neither. He watches, wi' his auld, mangy poll shakin', an' the night-lamp flingin' the black shadow of un 'gainst the bed curtain an' shawin' wheer his wan front tooth sticks up like a yellow stone in a charred field. Blast un to hell!

"The cattle bellowing sounded nearer, an' I could hear them trampin'. I run to the front door, an' there they were, comin' down the road, hundreds of 'em, horns a-tossin' an' tails a-lashin', flingin' up the snow like water.

"There ye go agin, always a flingin' at me," retorted Dick, rudely. "How's a feller to git on in the world when his own mother's always down on him?" "You know I'm not down on you, Dick," replied his mother, tearfully. "You're always a hintin' nowdays, anyhow," muttered Dick, as he reached over and helped himself to the biggest sausage in the dish. Mrs.

He ain't half good 'nough for her. Too many quids goin' a flingin' on 'em about like buttons! He's been a crackin' o' cribs he has. I ain't a goin' to interduce our Mattie to no sich blokes as him. No fathers or lovyers for me says I! But this here pebble o' Paradise! What's to be done wi' the cherub?

Folks will say you're flingin' yourself at Hopewell Drugg's head. An' after all these years, too. "Mother!" exclaimed her daughter, in a low voice, but earnestly. "Don't you think you did harm enough long, long ago, without beginning on that tack now?" "There! that's the thanks one gets when one keeps a gal from makin' a perfect fule of herself," cried the old lady, bridling.

"Dutcha boy take the cake for flingin' hees boots. Faster, faster, or Big Wolf shoot, bang!" "No, no; I vos dance so hard as I can!" panted Hans, and renewed his exertions until Tom could keep in no longer, and set up such a laugh as had not been heard around the Hall for many a day. It is needless to add that the other boys joined in, still, however, keeping out of sight.

She's turnin' more and more to religion and preachers as she gits older, like a lot of women do when they find they're not excitin' enough to interest the other kind. Now, John, be careful what you say. A man is like a kitten try to catch him and he'll run. Don't fling Sarah at his head it'd be like flingin' a bone at a cat; jest chase him away instead of drawin' him to her.

After the Arab I wint, neck an crop, an' away he wint like the wind, flingin' off his burnous as he ran; but I was light, bein' naked, d'ye see, an' soon overhauled him. For a starn-chase it was the shortest I remember.

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