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Updated: August 5, 2024

Perhaps it sounds a selfish thing when spoken, but the writer speaks from personal experience, having spent many happy hours in self-communion, tasting the full sweetness thereof. It was a great relief to Honor when she recognized Fitts at the depot awaiting their arrival with Mr. Rayne's own comfortable sleigh.

At any rate, the naturalist was preparing to put his impressions and deductions into the form of a paper which he intended to submit to the National Geographic Magazine as soon as he returned to the United States. The more practical Mr. Fitts decided to start a squab farm. A few of the giant iguanas were seen, and many smaller ones. The meat of the iguana is a great delicacy.

"And speaking of women, that reminds me," went on Fitts. "When does my lord and master intend to transplant our crop of ladies?" "What's that, Fitts?" said Percival, called out of his dream. "Ladies, what about 'em? When do they come ashore to occupy the mansions we have prepared for them?" "Captain Trigger suggests next week." "What's he got to do with it? Ain't you king?"

"Sergt Daniell Wescott brought his Mayd Katheren Branch to my house to be examined, which was dune as is within mentioned, & the sd Katheren Branch being dismised was gott about 40 or 50 rodd from my house, my Indian girl runeing back sayinge sd Kate was falen downe & looked black in the face soe my sonn John Selleck & cousen Dauid Selleck went out & fecht her in, shee being in a stife fitt & comeing out of that fitt fell a schrickeing, crying out you kill me, Goody Clawson you kill me, two or three times shee spoke it & her head was bent downe backwards allmost to her back; & sometimes her arme would be twisted round the sd Kate cryeing out you break my arme & with many such fitts following, that two men could hardly prevent by all their strenth the breaking of her neck & arme, as was thought by all the standers by; & in this maner sd Kate continued all the night, & neuer came to her sences but had som litell respitt betweene those terible fitts & then sd Kate would be talkeing to the appearances & would answer them & ask questions of them to manny to be here inserted or remembered.

His "office," by the way, was a rude "lean-to" at the extreme outer end of the street. It was characteristic of him to establish headquarters at a point farthest removed from the approach to the camp from the ship. Fitts was perhaps the only person who sensed the real motive back of this selection.

Hill in a masterful way that thrills the reader and holds his attention and sympathy to the end. Captain Kidd's Gold: The True Story of an Adventurous Sailor Boy. By JAMES FRANKLIN FITTS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. There is something fascinating to the average youth in the very idea of buried treasure.

They were surprised to find something that they needed, something that made life simpler and gentler for them, something uplifting. "We're a queer mess of Puritans," reflected Randolph Fitts. "You know that parrot of old Bob Carr's? Well, he took it out and wrung its neck last night, after all the time, and trouble, and patience he spent in giving her a swell private education.

Evidently, it was not Mr. Rayne's intention to mention the existence of his nephew yet, to his new comers, for he quietly slipped the little note into his pocket and said no more of it. The day wore on, and at five o'clock Fitts brought around the "ponies" to take "Miss Honor" for a drive.

"Yes No," replied Mr. Rayne, "you may go Fitts, I want nothing else to-night." Drawing a long sigh, he gathered up the scattered letters and was about to consign them to the flames but in turning to do so, he knocked his arm violently against the back of his chair, dropping them all again at his feet.

Landover, "turned out to be the damnedest rascal I've ever encountered." "How did you happen to have him in the bank if you are such a good judge of men?" inquired Mr. Fitts, utterly without malice. Mr. Landover reddened. "My dear sir, I do not come in contact with every employe of the bank. You forget that it is quite an immense institution." "It sure is," said Mr. Nicklestick.

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