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Updated: August 26, 2024

"I does trus' on Him fur as enny sense in doin' uv it; but ef I go to enny my foolishness, fus' thing I know de Lord gwine leave me to take keer uv myse'f, preacher or no preacher same as ef He was ter say, 'Dat's all right, cap'n: ef you gwine to boss dis job, boss it; an' den whar I be? Mas' Ned tole you to go: go on, an' lemme 'lone."

"Poindexter's a smart man, and I b'lieve he's a square man. 'T enny rate, it can't do any good to keep it a secret. Folks'll find it out sooner or later. You stay here a minute, M'lissy, and I'll go on up the cañon." The young girl seated herself, with her back against a ledge of rocks, and her bare feet straight out before her. She was used to waiting for Lysander.

"No, I'll guarantee ther hain't," said the other, laughing. "Nobody ever accused you of being lazy, Nimbus. They only fault you fer being too peart." "All 'cause I wants my own, an' wuks fer it, an' axes nobody enny odds, but only a fa'r show a white man's chance ter git along," responded Nimbus, with a touch of defiance in his tone.

"Vot's dot road you vos speakin' apout alretty?" put in Humpendinck, who had as heavy a wagon as anyone. "It's a better road nor this, Humpy," replied Mike Delaney. "Folly me an' we'll rach Honnewell afore enny of 'em, mark me wurrud." Thus encouraged, Humpendinck followed Delaney on the upper trail, and, seeing the two go off, half a dozen followed.

The moralizing might be by La Bruyère or La Rochefoucauld. Take this: "Life iz short, but it iz long enuff to ruin enny man who wants tew be ruined." Or this: "When a feller gits a goin doun hill, it dus seem as tho evry thing had bin greased for the okashun." That is what writers of tragedy have been showing, ever since the Greeks!

"Look h'yar!" cried Susan, at the end of some energetic remarks, "is dar enny pusson h'yar who kin count up figgers?" Inquiries on the subject ran through the crowd, and in a few moments a black boy, about fourteen, was pushed forward as an expert in arithmetic. "Now, you Jim," said Susan, "you's been to school, an' you kin count up figgers.

Feb. 28. clowdy but no rane. i only missed in Geogerfy today. Aunt Sarah is going to exibision day to see me get my prise. Keene and Cele are going two. i dont dass to tell Beany. he come over tonite to get me to come out and see him set his dog onto Mister Heads cat and was mad when i told him i had got to study. Beany he says i will get so i cant fite or have enny fun i am geting so good.

June 26. Keene and Cele are going to sing in the Unitarial quire. father says he will give them some bronze boots. mother got them some new nets for their hair today. girls has lots more done for them than fellers. June 27, 186- Brite and fair. school closed today. we dont have enny more school til September. snapcrackers have come. 8 cents a bunch at old Langlys store.

I am in present charge of the Karluk." "You ain't a reg'lar member of this expedition," objected Lund stolidly. "Neither am I a member of the crew, just now. But the skipper's my partner in this deal, signed, sealed and recorded. Afore I go to enny meetin' I'd like to have a talk with him personally. Thet's fair enough, ain't it?"

Thar's mo' mischief in thet than all the rest. Say thet thar's 20,000 men gwine round thar this arternoon an' evening'. Say thet thar's the biggest thunder-cloud o' danger thet enny one ever seed. Say hit over an' over, tell everybody understands hit an' gits ready ter meet hit.

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