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Dad," said Kate. "It hasn't come yet! Buck, what has happened?" "The end of the world has come for Dan," he said. "That devil Silent " "Dan," cried old Joe, and rushed around the table to Buck. "Silent has dared Dan to meet him at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Tully's saloon in Elkhead!

"No one but me is goin' to take care of Whistlin' Dan," he stated. So the vigil began, with Buck watching Dan, and Black Bart alert, suspicious, ready at the first wrong move to leap at the throat of Buck. That night the power which had sent Dan into Elkhead, Jim Silent, stood his turn at watch in the narrow canyon below the old Salton place.

Nothing was definite in the mind of Gregg. The stories consisted of patched details, heard here and there at third or fourth hand, but he remembered one epic incident in which Barry had ridden, so rumor told, into the very heart of Elkhead, taken from the jail this very man, this Lee Haines, and carried him through the cordon of every armed man in Elkhead.

Now what might she mean by that? Headed for Elkhead in a nightgown? Any place I could take you, kid?" If she did not altogether trust Ben Swann, at least she preferred him to the other unshaven, work-thinned faces which leered at her around the table. "Daddy Dan," she said softly. "Joan wants to go to Daddy Dan." "Daddy Dan Dan Barry," translated Ben Swann, and he drew a bit away from her.

It even spotted their faces here and there, and a light brown spray darted out to right and left of the falling hoofs. For all the streets of Elkhead were running shallow rivers, with dark, swift currents, and when they left the little town the landscape was shut out by the falling torrents.

"She won't go as a woman. I've thought of that. I brought out a new outfit for Purvis from Elkhead trousers, chaps, shirts, an' all. He's small. They'll near fit the girl." "There isn't any other way, Jim?" "I leave it to you. God knows I don't want to drag any damn calico aroun' with us." As they went back towards their clearing they arranged the details.

The end of the long trail must be near. The whole range followed that chase with breathless interest. It was like the race of Hector and Achilles around the walls of Troy. And when they met there would be a duel of giants. Twice Whistling Dan was sighted. Once Jim Silent fought a running duel with a posse fresh from Elkhead.

I'll loan you a buckboard an' a pair of hosses to take Tex back to Elkhead. As for this feller Haines, I'll take care of him." "I sure need a buckboard," said Dan slowly, "but I'll get the loan from a white man!" He turned his back sharply on the sheriff and asked if any one else had a wagon they could lend him. One of the men had stopped at Morris's place on his way to Elkhead.

Daniels, seeing the two men of her family glaring at each other with something like hate in their eyes. "Sam, have you forgot that this lad has eat your food in your house?" Sam turned as crimson as he had been pale before. "I forgot," he muttered. "I was scared an' forgot!" "An' maybe you've forgot that I'd be swingin' on the end of a rope in Elkhead if it wasn't for Dan Barry?" suggested Buck.

"He says he thinks it c'n be done for a couple of days," said Purvis, "but the whole range is risin'. All the punchers are ridin' into Elkhead an' wantin' to take a look at the famous Lee Haines. Rogers says that when enough of 'em get together they'll take the law in their own hands an' nothin' can stop 'em then." "Why don't the rotten dog give Haines a chance to make a getaway?" asked Silent.