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Updated: August 26, 2024

Don't let it tumble off your knees, now; I'd adwise you to lower 'em for the time bein'. Here's the spoon; it ain't as bright as I could wish, but you can't expect much of pewter; an' the napkin that's your sort; an' the bit of bread which it isn't too much for a 'ealthy happetite. Now then, granny, go in and win!" "So like," murmured the old woman, as she gazed in Slidder's face.

Reade at last. The substance of her information, freed from extraneous matter, was as follows: "Oh! 'ealthy? It'll live, I've no doubt, if that's what you mean; but 'elpless...! There, 'elpless is no word.... Learn 'im to open his mouth, learn 'im to close 'is 'ands, learn 'im to go to sleep, learn 'im everythink.

"People says it's 'igh up 'ere an' a long way to climb, but wot I says is, it's 'ealthy when you get 'ere, and you 'ave a view. I'll leave you now," she concluded. "When you've 'ad a wash, your supper'll be waitin' for you. in Mr. 'Inde's sitting-room. I expect you'll be glad to 'ave it!" "I shall," he replied. "I'm hungry!" "Yes, I expect so," she said, closing the door.

Why should we try to make 'em less, w'en they furnishes 'ealthy work to such fine fellows as Joe and me and the police not to mention the fun afforded to crossin'-sweepers and other little boys, whose chief enjoyment in life would be gone if there was no fires."

He looked carefully out of his sitting-room window, but the doctor’s blinds were still down, and he saw no one coming or going about the house; so he began his inquiries by calling up his landlady. “I have been troubled with lumbago, Mrs Gabbon,” he began. “Dearie me, sir,” said Mrs Gabbon, “I’m sorry to ’ear that; you that looks so ’ealthy too!

Seveeah," Narcisse came forward, hat in hand, "I dunno 'ow 'tis, but Mistoo Itchlin always wemine me of that povvub, 'Ully to bed, ully to 'ise, make a pusson to be 'ealthy an' wealthy an' wise." "I don't know how it is, either," grumbled the Doctor. "I believe thass not the povvub I was thinking. I am acquainting myseff with those povvubs; but I'm somewhat gween in that light, in fact.

She had only made a compulsory retreat from the scene of hostilities; and, after rallying her shattered faculties, advanced again with the chair. "How dared you, you disreputerble female?" she began. Mrs. Wiggins turned slowly and ominously upon her. "Ye call me a disrupterbul female hag'in, han ye vont find hit 'ealthy." Mrs.

"Your baby do look 'ealthy." "Yes, and he is too, not an ache or a pain. He's as beautiful a boy as ever lived. But think of poor mother, Jenny, think of poor mother." "I do think of her, Esther. But I can't help seeing your baby. He's like you, Esther. I can see a look of you in 'is eyes. But I don't know that I should care to 'ave a baby meself the expense comes very 'eavy on a poor girl."

At such times they were greeted affectionately on all sides by the men and women of England. "Hi say, Slim, old top," Jerry imitated good-naturedly as they boarded the train again after one of these delays. "Hi say, did you 'ear that 'andsome little Hinglisher out there say as 'ow 'ealthy you looked?" "Did 'e?" asked Slim, grinning. "'E did," answered Jerry. And then, winking to Joe.

"Children!" said Robinson. "Infants, eh? 'ealthy lookin' lot o' infants. There's one now that six-foot chap with the Father Christmas whiskers; 'ow's that for a' infant?" As the Frenchmen filed out some of them smiled and nodded and called cheery good-bys to our men, and 'Enery Irving turned to a man beside him. "This," he said, "is about where some appropriate music should come in the book.

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