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Fergus Hume and other ingenious concocters of peripatetic mystery, wondered as he gave his horse a meaning lash with his whip a tribute to the beauty of the fare "Wot the dickens she was h'up to, with 'er big eyes and 'er 'ealthy pallor." It further excited the excellent man's interest to be obliged, when he had arrived at his destination, to remind his fare that they had done so.

"And you'd do well to sit in the smoke-room, sir," further advised the sailor-man, clinging to the rail with one hand and pocketing the coin with the other. "No," said R. Schmidt resolutely. "I don't like the air in the smoke- room." "There's quite a bit of air out 'ere, sir." "I need quite a bit." "I should think you might, sir, being a 'ealthy, strappin' sort of a chap, sir. 'Elp yourself.

What with these devil-ships a-flyin' about the skies, and dropping thunderbolts on us from the clouds, and furreners a-comin' up the Thames as I've heard, London ain't 'ealthy enough for me, nor the missus and the kids, and thanks for your kindness, sir, we're movin' to-night, keb an' all. "Oh, my Gawd, there's another! 'Otel Cecil and Savoy this time, if I've got my bearin's right.

Wamibo dreamed.... Donkin felt all over his sterile chin for the few rare hairs, and said, triumphantly, with a sidelong glance at Jimmy: "Look at 'im! Wish I was 'arf has 'ealthy as 'ee is I do." He jerked a short thumb over his shoulder towards the after end of the ship. "That's the blooming way to do 'em!" he yelped, with forced heartiness.

So far as I remember, I 'ad two more goes o' whisky and one o' the skipper's cigars, and I was just thinking wot a beautiful thing it was to be alive and 'ealthy and in good spirits, talking to a nice gal that understood wot you said a'most afore you said it, when I 'eard three blows on a whistle. "'Wot's that? I ses, starting up. 'Police whistle?

You tell one on 'em that Billy the Tanner's on the rampage, and you'll see 'em 'op it. Cheero, guvnor and don't you get curious about Billy. It ain't 'ealthy." The swing-door was suddenly opened. A touslehaired urchin shoved his face in. "Billy the Tanner's coming!" he shouted. "Cave, all! He's been 'avin' a rare to-do in Smith's Court." Then a curious thing happened.