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Updated: August 26, 2024

"But, Beller, don't you think things work out more h'even than they seem? Mrs. Muir next door works very 'ard. I've seen her put out a washin' by seven o'clock in the morning, but then she 'as a good 'usband and an 'ealthy family and much pleasure in 'er work. Miss Reston lies soft and drinks her mornin' tea in comfort, but she never knows the satisfied feelin' that Mrs.

It ayen't 'ealthy." It is the regular warning to new men. For some reason the first emotion of the rookie is an overpowering curiosity. He wants to take a peep into No Man's Land. It feels safe enough when things are quiet. But there's always a Fritzie over yonder with a telescope-sighted rifle, and it's about ten to one he'll get you if you stick the old "napper" up in daylight.

"'Osses is 'ealthy, I am thankful to say," replied the groom gravely, "and lookin', too, pretty nigh as I could wish, now they've done breakin' with their coats.

"It's a job for a strong, healthy man, not a pore old thing with swelled legs and short in the breath." "Strong 'ealthy man!" repeated her husband, in a dazed voice. "Strong 'eal Wot are you talking about?" Mrs. Porter beamed on him. "You," she said, sweetly. There was a long silence, broken at last by a firework display of expletives. Mrs. Porter, still smiling, sat unmoved.

"How beautifully clean it all is!" exclaimed Nan. The whip smiled with obvious delight. "If you keep 'ounds, miss, you must keep 'em clean or they won't be 'ealthy and fit to do their day's work. An' a day's hunting is a day's work for 'ounds, an' no mistake." "How like a woman to remark about cleanliness first of all!" laughed Roger.

There I am with 'undreds of pounds lying around my room at 'ome careless as you please, and then held up for a bloomin' match. What's gold to a man like me? But a match... there you are... that's life." He looked at Jeremy with great interest; he took in, as Jeremy realised, every detail of his personal appearance. "I like boys," he said. "'Ad two myself 'ealthy little nippers they was.

Leastways he was going to, but arter seven rounds Joe's madness left 'im all of a sudden and he was as right as ever he was. Sailormen are more frequent ill ashore than at sea; they've got more time for it, I s'pose. Old Sam Small, a man you may remember by name as a pal o' mine, got ill once, and, like most 'ealthy men who get a little something the matter with 'em, he made sure 'e was dying.

Has them candles on the altar been smokin'? 'No, he says, 'not as I know on. 'Well, I says, sniffin' like, 'there's a very queer smell in the place. It's not 'ealthy. Summat ought to be done to it at once. 'Hush! he says, 'what you smells is the incense. And then the Holliton clergyman!

'Walked to Enfleld an' back. I was told of a job out there; but it's no good; they're full up. They say exercise is good for the 'ealth. I shall be a 'ealthy man before long, it seems to me. What do you think? 'Have you been to see Corder again? asked Sidney, after reflecting anxiously. 'No, I haven't! was the angry reply; 'an' what's more, I ain't goin' to!

There was a general laugh from the others in the car, for all three of the boys from Brighton had become immensely popular with their companions in arms, all of whom by this time had become well accustomed to this sort of gentle fun between the red-headed Jerry and "the 'ealthy, 'eavy lad" called Slim.

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