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"How does it feel now?" asked Margaret, when her task was over. "I shall be able to clout Donald with it in the morning," I answered. "Tat's petter," said he, grinning with delight. "I'm thinkin' I'd suner be dinged wi' 'er again than see 'er hinging there daein' naethin'." He took Bimbo off to the camp-fire and left us alone.

Semple, however, dropped out, not caring to overstrain himself as he had some heavy racing next day at another gathering, where a much higher money prize was the allurement. Round the others went, the excitement growing among the crowd, who kept shouting encouraging remarks to the racers as they passed. "Keep it up, Robin!" cried Andrew Marshall. "Keep it up, my lad. Ye're daein' fine."

And a' the countryside is changin'. Doun by Goldieslaw they're makkin' a dam for takin' water to the toun, and they're thinkin' o' daein' the like wi' the Callowa. Guid help us, can they no let the works o' God alane? Is there no room for them in the dirty lawlands that they maun file the hills wi' their biggins?"

"Ye maun either pit yon hizzy oot the hoose, or I'll hitta gang." "What's the matter now, mother?" "I tell't her to brush the boys' bits tae be ready for the schule in the mornin'. They were thrang wi' their lessons an' she wasna daein' a han's turn." "And what did she say?" "S'y! I wush ye'd seen the leuk she gi'ed me!" "The boys can brush their ain bits," said she; "I'm no' their servant."

Man, a've seen him tak a wee laddie on his knee that his ain mither cudna quiet, an' lilt 'Sing a song o' saxpence' till the bit mannie would be lauchin' like a gude are, an' pooin' the doctor's beard. "As for the weemen, he fair cuist a glamour ower them; they're daein' naethin' noo but speak aboot this body and the ither he cured, an' hoo he aye hed a couthy word for sick fouk.

"Wurk is a gude handy test," suggested Jamie; "the English hae barely ae r, and the Scotch hae aboot sax in 't." "She wudna say 't, Jamie, though a' gied her a chance, speakin' aboot ae wumman daein' a'thing in the manse, sae a' fell back on church, an' that brocht oot the truth. She didna say 'chich, so she 's no English born, and she didna say 'churrrch, so she 's been oot o' Scotland.

What are you going to do with the box, Mr. McDonald?" "I was gaun to ask Mr. Gurney to return it to the lawyer whase name is on the inside o' the cover. He's considered an honest man, though he is a lawyer. Maybe if ye wad tell him aboot this man Plaisted, it micht keep him frae daein' yer faither ony mischief. It wad dae nae harm, ony way." "May I copy this letter written by Plaisted?

Marjorie!" cried an indignant voice, "what are ye daein' there? Tak' shame to yersel', ye hizzie." Marjorie turned in the direction of the voice, and again her peals of laughter burst forth. "Oh! Aunt Janet, you do look so funny." But at once the head with its aureole of curl-papers was whipped inside the tent. "Ye're no that fine to look at yersel', ye shameless lassie," cried Aunt Janet.

An' oor bairnies is a' daein' fine: Jamie's a doctor i' Chicago; an' oor Jeanie's mairrit on Allan Sutherland, him as will be the new Reeve o' the coonty; an' Chairlie has a ranch i' Alberta like the Duke o' Roxburgh's estate; an' Willie'll hae oor ain land here, when we sleep aneath it.

"I'm telt that a' the managers roun' aboot ha'e an understandin' with one another no' to gi'e work to onybody they take a dislike to." "Ay," agreed Matthew, "I ha'e heard aboot it, but I would soon put a stop to it." "Ay, Matthew, it's a union we need up here badly. I'm telt that that chap Smillie has managed to start one down in the West Country, an' it's daein' weel.