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"I told the President about it, Uncle Jethro; I told him how sick Cousin Eph had been, and that you were going to give him the postmastership because he couldn't work any more with his hands." The training of a lifetime had schooled Jethro not to betray surprise. "K-kind of mixin' up in politics, hain't you, Cynthy? P-President say he'd give you the postmastership, Eph?" he asked.

Durgin's question, "Has that Miller girl " "It isn't about her," said Cynthy, pushing the door to. "It's about me and Jeff." Mrs. Durgin became aware of Jeff's presence with an effect of surprise. "There a'n't anything more, is there?" "Yes, there is!" Cynthia shrilled. "Now, Jeff!"

"Cynthia Badlam Fund Hopkins," said the good woman triumphantly, "is that what you mean?" "Suppose we leave out one of the names, four are too many. I think the general opinion will be that Hehninthia should unite the names of her two benefactresses, Cynthia Badlam Hopkins." "Why, law! Mr. Gridley, is n't that nice? Minthy and Cynthy, there ain't but one letter of difference!

"Haven't I seen her in Brampton?" inquired Mr. Worthington, little thinking of the consequences of the question. "Guess you have," answered Jake. "Cynthy goes to the Social Library, to git books. She knows more'n the minister himself, a sight more." "Where does the minister live?" asked Mr. Worthington.

"Washin'ton!" he ejaculated. "Cynthy and I was thinkin' of takin' a little trip," said Jethro, almost apologetically, "and we kind of thought we'd like to have you with us. Didn't we, Cynthy? Er we might see General Grant," he added meaningly. Ephraim was a New Englander, and not an adept in expressing his emotions.

Cynthy Ann!" she said, standing by the bed in the little bare room which Cynthy Ann had occupied, for five years, but into which she had made no endeavor to bring one ray of sentiment or one trace of beauty. "Cynthy! Cynthy Ann!"

Bass?" asked the storekeeper, rather weakly. "Just stepped in stepped in," he answered. "W-where's Cynthy?" "She was in the garden shall I get her?" "No," he said, parting his coat tails and seating himself on the counter. "Go on figurin', don't mind me." The thing was manifestly impossible. Perhaps Wetherell indicated as much by his answer.

I presume it's from always kind of havin' had her round under my feet ever since she was born, as you may say, and seein' her family always so shiftless. Well, I can't say that of Frank, either. He's turned out a fine boy; but the father! Cynthy is one of the most capable girls, smart as a trap, and bright as a biscuit. She's masterful, too! she NEED to have a will of her own with Jeff."

Frank 'd leave and and Pshaw! What do you care for that? But I don't know what you mean! I always thought you liked Cynthy and respected her. I didn't believe I could tell you a thing that would please you better than that she had said she would have me. But if it don't, all right." Mrs.

"Thank you Uncle Jethro," she said. Jethro, however, understood. He had, indeed, never failed to understand her from the beginning. He parted his coat tails and sat down on the rock beside her, and very gently opened the book again, to the first chapter. "G-goin' to read it, Cynthy?" "Oh, yes," she said, and trembled again. "Er read it to me?"