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Since then we had a man took away from old Kern, which don't happen once in a coon's age. Then we had a fine fresh murder right this morning, and the present minute they's two in jail on murder charges, and both are sure to swing!" Jig gasped. "Two!" she exclaimed. "Yep. They was a skinny schoolteacher named I forget what. Most general he was called Cold Feet, which fitted.

Ananias-and-Sapphira, using beak and claws, scrambled nimbly to the other shoulder. Then, reaching far around past the Boy's face, she fixed the stranger piercingly with her unwinking gaze, and emitted an ear-splitting shriek of laughter. The little coon's nerves were not prepared for such a strain.

Pretty soon he came to the big hollow tree where Bobby Coon lives, and there he met Hooty the Owl. "Hello, Jimmy Skunk, where have you been?" asked Hooty the Owl. "Just for a walk," said Jimmy Skunk. "Who lives in this big hollow tree?" Now of course Jimmy Skunk knew all the time, but he pretended he didn't. "Oh, this is Bobby Coon's house," said Hooty the Owl.

"He won't cheat no more games of crib for a coon's age. I jus' nacherally beat him all to hell, Bud." "Where are the rest of the men?" Lee asked. "Watching the fires an' seeing no more don't get started." Then Lee told him of Judith. Carson's good eye opened wide with interest. Carson's bruised lips sought to form for a whistle which managed to give them the air of a maidenly pout.

The four leaped to their feet, and followed the pleasant odor which grew stronger and more savory as they advanced. "Ain't cooked like you kin do it," said Silent Tom to Long Jim, "but I done my best." "Kings could do no more," said the shiftless one, "an' this is the finest surprise I've had in a 'coon's age. I wuz gettin' mighty tired o' cold vittles.

And what's more, Fatty Coon says the same thing." At the mention of Fatty Coon's name Dickie Deer Mouse had to smile. "Fatty Coon!" he echoed. "How he does like corn!" "Yes! But he doesn't like you," Mr. Crow snapped. "You'd better look out for him," he warned Dickie. "He'll come to call on you some night, the first thing you know. "By the way, where are you living now?" Mr. Crow inquired.

He went upstairs and put those spoons between Mr. Coon's feather beds. Mr. Coon had two fat feather beds, always having plenty of feathers on hand as he did. Then Mr. Crow went over to Mr. Possum's house and found him sitting in the doorway, looking very sad. "What is the matter with you, Friend Possum?" asked Mr. Crow in the most friendly tone he could master. "Don't you feel well?"

They used to try to hold and brace themselves with their tails, too, but we had just big, ornamental tails in those days, covered with thick, bushy hair, and of very little use, like Mr. Squirrel's and Mr. 'Coon's." When Mr. 'Possum made that remark, Mr. 'Coon and Mr. Squirrel sat up quite straight, and were just about to say something, but Mr. Rabbit motioned to them and said "'Sh!" and Mr.

DEAR LEE, How are you getting on on old Casket Ridge? It seems a coon's age since you and me was together, and times I get to think I must just run up and see you! We're having bully times in 'Frisco, you bet! though there ain't anything wild worth shucks to go to see 'cept the sea lions at the Cliff House.

"Get on your horse," said Mouse, emphasizing his demand with an oath, while the muzzle of a forty-five in his ear made the order undebatable. Edwards took the horse by the bits and started for a large black-jack tree which stood near by. Reaching it, Edwards said, "Better use Coon's rope; it's manilla and stronger.