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Updated: August 22, 2024

But Mysie, following her guide to the house, felt quite sure of their conveyance; and, in fact, barely sufficient time elapsed for the hostess to possess herself of the leading facts in her guests' history, before the carriage was announced, and our travellers hastened down the lane, and found there awaiting them the evident model of the Autocrat's "One-Hoss Shay," in its last five years of senility; to this was attached a quadruped who immediately reminded Mysie of a long-forgotten conundrum.

There were two or three things that I wanted to know. I do not care about a mystery. So I began to inquire. It took me two weeks to find out what women carry in dress suit cases. And then I began to ask why a mattress is made in two pieces. This serious query was at first received with suspicion because it sounded like a conundrum.

In the altercations between the two brothers, in Æschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, this conceit is employed; and it is remarkable, that so poor a conundrum could not be rejected by any of these three poets, so justly celebrated for their taste and simplicity. What could Shakspeare have done worse? Terence has his "inceptio est amentium, non amanthim."

This Yoshiwara question was to him something more than a moral conundrum. It was a subtle attack by the wife of his bosom, aided and abetted by his old friend Reggie Forsyth and by the mysterious forces of this unfamiliar land as typified by Yaé Smith, against the citadel of Good Form, against the stronghold of his principles. Geoffrey himself wished to see the Yoshiwara.

After all have finished writing "what the world said," the papers are passed to the right, opened, and read aloud. Thus: Handsome Mr. The guests are requested to think up some conundrums about some person in the present company. Each one in turn gives his conundrum and the player to his left must answer it if he can; if he fails, any one present may help him out.

"If the German is not governed by love as an ideal," put in Gard, "how is it then that he is so sentimental? People always assure us that Fritz must be really at bottom as affectionate, tender, emotional, as anyone because he is so sentimental." "Yes, that's the old conundrum that the enthusiasts over everything German confuse one with.

To the constitution of Samoa, which was already all wheels and no horses, the consuls had added a fifth wheel. In addition to the old conundrum, "Who is the king?" they had supplied a new one, "What is the vice-king?"

An' ef ye take to raisin' 'em as this un's ben raised, ye ain't makin' much; an' ef thar ain't nothin' to be made, Tom, what's yer aim?" He put it as if it was a conundrum without an answer. "What's yer aim, Tom?" he repeated, pleasantly, "ef thar ain't nothin' to be made?"

"Isn't this a scented stick to show the watch?" Chia Cheng inquired. "Yes!" assented Pao-yue, speaking on Tai-yue's behalf; and Chia Cheng thereupon prosecuted the perusal of a conundrum, which ran as follows, and referred to an object; With the South, it sits face to face, And the North, the while, it doth face; If the figure be sad, it also is sad, If the figure be glad, it likewise is glad!

Our brains are not alike not the same shape; we have not the same intelligence or the same experience, the same sense. And yet I am held accountable for my belief. I must believe in the Trinity three times one is one, once one is three and my soul is to be eternally damned for failing to guess an arithmetical conundrum.

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