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"You are neither; you are neither child or woman; you are neither flesh nor spirit; you are uncanny." "Dear me! In other words, I am a conundrum. Who will guess me?" "You are the Sphinx," replied her cousin. "I won't be that ugly-faced thing," she retorted; "guess again." "Impossible. Once acquire a sphinx's elusiveness and you are a mystery perpetual. You alone can unriddle the riddle."

I will consider the point." And next day he opened the proceedings in English. Now the psychological conundrum is this Did he swallow the flattery, and honestly believe that the object of Lord Odo's appeal was to secure the pleasure of hearing him speak English?

I can only testify that on her arrival in Rome she knew no more about the language and place than the proverbial babe unborn, and that nowadays, when anybody is faced with a conundrum like mine, one always hears the words: "Try Mrs. Nichol." And how many women, by the way, would have made a note of the particular quality of those macaroni? One in a hundred? These are temperamental matters....

"Why er I suppose it ain't reg'lar," says he, "but blamed if I don't." And after I've towed him into the livin' room, planted him in a wing chair, and poked up the hickory logs, he springs this conundrum on me: "Ballard," says he, "I'd like to ask you something and have you give me an answer straight from the shoulder." "That's my specialty," says I. "Shoot." "Just what's the matter with us Mrs.

Then there was Captain Langdon of the same regiment, the scholarly soldier, with the account of every great campaign in history at his fingers' ends. I recollect one evening, when we had been talking of the Peninsular War, I ventured to spring on him the ancient schoolboy conundrum: "What lines are those, the most famous ever made by an Englishman, yet that are never quoted?"

He now turned his student training on the case as if it were a problem in mathematics. First, the dynamite must be exploded inside the café. Second, the thing must be done so deftly that no suspicion could fall on the perpetrator. Dupré sat down at his table, thrust his hands in his pockets, stretched out his legs, knit his brows, and set himself to solve the conundrum.

It is very difficult to get three pints of liquid into a quart measure, and it was a conundrum of this sort that Christy was studying upon when he tried to make a parlor, bedroom, and dining-saloon of the very limited space in the forward part of the Florence.

Coleridge was only seventeen then, but a man grown, and already took snuff like a courtier, tapping the lid of the box meditatively and flashing a conundrum the while on the admiring company. Mary kept about as close run of the Blue-Coat School as if she had been a Blue-Coat herself.

I'm awake even before Dinky-Dunk, and I brought him out of his dreams this morning by poking his teeth with my little finger and saying: "Twelve white horses On a red hill " and I asked him if he knew what it was, and he gave the right answer, and said he hadn't heard that conundrum since he was a boy. All afternoon I've been helping Dinky-Dunk put up a barb-wire fence.

I wrote some and it killed it. The poor paper got to be a conundrum, and so I gave it up." The idea of entering the field as a lecturer now seized Mr. Browne stronger than ever. Tired of the pen, he resolved on trying the platform. His Bohemian friends agreed that his fame and fortune would be made before intelligent audiences. He resolved to try it. What should be the subject of my lecture?