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Thursday you took a whole folder of correspondence out of the letter files and put it back under the wrong initial. I had to hunt for it for two hours, with Bill I mean, Mr. Sanderson gnawing his nails with impatience. He thought I had filed it wrong, and you might have made me lose my job." Unconsciously her slightly husky contralto voice had sunk lower and trembled audibly. "I'm awfully sorry.

They've always been wild to get us into a proper Scottish school. 'How are we to light the fire? whispered Leucha. 'Do you know how it's done, Dorothy? 'Not I. Who 's that singing? There was a wonderfully sweet contralto voice sounding from the cosy depths of the Summer Parlour. The words the girl sang were as follows: 'The great Ardshiel, he gaed before, He gart the cannons and guns to roar.

McKinstry reckoned music as about as useful as the crackling of thorns under a pot; so he never cared to know, what was the fact, that this youngest daughter of Gurney's had one of the purest contralto voices in the States. She came home, grown, but just as shy; only tired, needing care: no one could look in Lizzy Gurney's face without wishing to comfort and help the child.

Hudson never speaks of you without tears in her eyes, and I am sure she considers you a specially patented agent of Providence. Verily, it 's a good thing for a woman to be in love: Miss Garland has grown almost pretty. I met her the other night at a tea-party; she had a white rose in her hair, and sang a sentimental ballad in a fine contralto voice."

'I do not think there is a country that could offer the entertainment for which I am indebted to you to-day. 'Ah, my friend, and you like their voices? The contralto? 'Exquisite. Dr. Themison had not spoken the name of Radnor. 'Shall we see you at our next Concert-evening in town? said Victor; and hearing 'the privilege' mentioned, his sharp bright gaze cleared to limpid.

The officers' wives talked with professional sympathy and disciplined quiet; the English ladies were equally sympathetic, but collected. Lady Elfrida, rather white, but patient, asked a few questions in a voice whose contralto was rather deepened. One and all wished to "do something" anything "to help" and one and all rebelled that the colonel had begged them to remain within doors.

Presently there floated down to Amos, smoking his pipe on the front step, Lydia's childish, throaty contralto: "I've reached the land of corn and wine With all its riches surely mine, I've reached that beauteous shining shore, My heaven, my home, for ever more."

"How do you do, Miss Moore?" broke in a charming contralto voice. "You are the very person I wish to see. I can give you some news for your paper. It is not very important, but I thought you might like to have it." "You are awfully good, Mrs. Wilson," Marjorie Moore replied gratefully. "I have just been talking to Miss Thurston about you. May I introduce her?

When she sang, it rose into power; it was then a deep contralto, utterly untaught, but free and easy as the notes of a bird. Hester could do what she liked with men and women when she sang to them, and she knew her power.

"Thy face, Sweetheart, haunts me amid the dust and glare of the arena!" she began in her deep rich contralto voice, at the first notes of which everybody sat up straight and listened to the volume of swelling sounds which filled the court and garden and floated away on the night. There was no mistaking the fact, they were in the presence of an artist.