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He was goin' over the line and they'd laid out at Kaslo fer a day so's Dan'l J. could see about a spur the 'Lucky Cuss' people wanted and maybe it was the climbin' brought it on." The old man looked his years. As he came nearer Billy Brue saw tears tremble in his eyes and roll unnoted down his cheeks. Yet his voice was unbroken and he was, indeed, unconscious of the tears. "I was afraid of that.

"'Member the job of yours near Yonkers, where you got in with a rope hooked around a chimney and climbin' irons. 'Member that, Boyle?" "Sure, I remember it. But that was a frame up. The police had to have a goat and I was it. But they didn't get away with it. Some judges are honest and this one didn't let them frame me." "Yeah, that's right.

Well, it's come! Uh-huh! And sudden, too, like I knew it would, if it came at all. No climbin' the ladder for me, not while they run express elevators. And, believe me, when the gate opened, I was right there with my foot out. It was like this: One mornin' I'm in my old place behind the brass rail, at the jump-end of the buzzer.

Abruptly the small one got to his feet and led the burro out of sight among the willows. The other man faced me. "Better take a friend's advice and keep outen there," he swept a grimy hand westward. "What's up?" "Better do your climbin' round hyar," he replied suggestively. "But I want to climb Arapahoe; I have heard the Indians used it for a signal mountain and..."

One fellow climbin' up behind 'nother, an' the horse left lyin' thar on the snow." "How many people do you make out?" and Hamlin's voice shook a little. "There's four, ain't there?" At that distance the fugitives looked like mere black dots.

I reckon we'd had to do some climbin' an' they's no tellin' where we'd 'a' landed, which there ain't do doubt 'bout that." Solomon seemed to know his way by an instinct like that of a dog. They were in the deep woods, traveling by snow light without a trail. Jack felt sure they were going wrong, but he said nothing. By and by there was a glow in the sky ahead.

"But I wasn't through with the bother yet; it took me another long time to find where that fire was burnin', but I hit it at last. A little faint streak of smoke was climbin' from behind a ridge, among a growth of pines. I begun creeping forward when I changed my mind. I thought that if one of 'em happened to be on the watch and see me, they would be off afore I could git anywhere near 'em.

"Nah," said he, "I never seed the ale I could not drink, the bacca I could not smoke, nor the lass I could not kiss. Well, we mun have a race home, the lot on us. I lost all th' others, an' when I was climbin' ower one of them walls built o' loose stones, I comes down into the ditch, stones and all, an' broke my arm.

Never had the sight of him been more welcome, and raising himself stiffly to his feet and moving his own rifle about his head, Will shouted in reply: "It was not only your greatest shot, but the greatest shot ever made by anybody." "Stay whar you are," cried Bent. "You're too stiff an' sore to risk climbin' jest yet. I'll be with you soon."

"What have you got up your sleeve, Johnny?" he demanded, at which the other had a laughing spell, and confessed. "Why, you see, I got a trap all rigged out!" he started to explain. "A trap for the chicken thieves, do you mean?" asked the patrol leader. "That's the ticket, Elmer. Yuh see, I reckoned that by now they'd be gettin' real tired o' jest plain hen, and might feel like climbin' higher.