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And well, a fellow could never imagine himself stretched out on the grass, puffing happily away at a pipe, with a girl like that sitting near him, smiling the hot turf smelling almost like hay, the hot blue sky curving overhead, and both the girl and himself perfectly happy chock full of joy though neither of them were saying anything at all.

I know Whydah pretty well, having had dealings there. It is a fine place, with orange-trees growing wild and great green meadows, and rivers chock full of fish, and the whole of it full of fever as an egg is of meat. The factory there was kept by an old man, an Englishman, who pretended to be Dutch and called himself Klootz, but was known to all as Bristol Pete.

The story is chock full of stirring incidents, while the amusing situations are furnished by Joshua Bickford, from Pumpkin Hollow, and the fellow who modestly styles himself the "Rip-tail Roarer, from Pike Co., Missouri." Mr. Alger never writes a poor book, and "Joe's Luck" is certainly one of his best. Tom the Bootblack; or, The Road to Success.

Never had any eddication; lived out in Missooray all his life. But he's chock full o' poetry. On'y this mornin' sez I to him, he camps along o' me, 'Milt! sez I, 'are breakfast ready? and he up and answers back quite peert and chipper, 'The breakfast it is ready, and the birds is singing free, and it's risin' in the dawnin' light is happiness to me! When a man," said Mr.

There be monkeys down town, and dorgs what dances on their 'inder legs, and gurt iron cages chock full er wild beastises, by what they tells me." Dickie, feeling anxiously in his pockets for some coin of sufficient size to be worthy of Mr. Deeds' acceptance, ejaculated involuntarily: "Oh! are there? I'd give anything to see them." "Sixpence 'ud do most er they 'ere shows, I expect.

He then poured out another bumper, and as soon as he had tossed it off, said, "Dat is de clear grit; dat is oleriferous wake de dead amost, it is de genuine piticular old Jamaicky, and no mistake. I must put dat bottle back and give you todder one, dat must be wine for sartain, for it is chock full, but rum vaporates bery fast when de cork is drawn.

"I want to find the relatives of Ephrum Spencer," she said. "You'll have to go a good ways," said Cap'n 'Kiah. "The graveyard is chock full of 'em," said Uncle Peter. "They've kind of died out," explained Cap'n 'Kiah. "They seemed to be the kind that dies out easy and nateral." "His uncle Hiram isn't dead, is he?" asked the woman, with the strain of anxiety in her voice.

But it may be chock full o' rebels, for all I know, and a feller git jumped the moment he sets foot in it." "I'll take my chances," said the Deacon. "I'll go along with you to-morrer mornin'." The Deacon found that a ride in a wagon was not such an unqualified favor as he might have thought.

"You bet, he's in a hurry for it. He won't listen to reason at all. Says the bins have got to be chock full of grain before January first, no matter what happens to us. He don't care how much it costs, either." "I must be going along," said Grady, getting to his feet. "That man must be in a hurry. January first! That's quick work, and he don't care how much it costs him. Oh, these rich devils!

The use of the dozen little pillows puzzled me, until I found that they were intended to tuck or wedge me in, so that I should not needlessly and uncomfortably roll about the vast bed. They were laid at the sides, and I was instructed to "chock" myself with them. On leaving, do not inquire what is the cost of your accommodations. The Hawaiian has vague ideas about price.