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"Bless you, Mister Leigh, we're miles to windward of that place," said he with a laugh. "But it's allers the way with your young navigators as is full chock up to the bung with book larnin' and hasn't had no real 'sperience o' the sea yet! They allers fancy all sorts o' dangers that your old seamen who've been a v'yage or two never thinks o' reckonin' on!"

He was chock full of kerosene and tinder, and he'd fired the patch in several places. We were on it quick. We beat the fire in seconds. As for him, why, I guess his Ma's going to forget him right away. Leastways I hope so. He went out like the snuff of a lucifer, and his body's likely handed plenty feed to any wolf straying around." The dark man across the fire nodded.

And Sundays aren't used any more for church-going, except among the middle-class population, they're just Bridge days with OUR set Bridge lunches, Bridge suppers, every Sunday's chock full of engagements to 'Bridge, right through the 'season." "That's cards, ain't it?" enquired Dan Ridley. "Just so!

We had a pond back of our barn about the bigness of a good sizeable wash-tub, and it was chock full of frogs. Well, one of these little critters fancied himself a bull-frog, and he puffed out his cheeks, and took a real "blowin time" of it; he roared away like thunder; at last he puffed and puffed out till he bust like a byler.

Land, Rose, don't button that dickey clean through my epperdummis! I have to sport starched collars in this life on account o' you and your gran'mother bein' so chock full o' style; but I hope to the Lord I shan't have to wear 'em in another world!" "You won't," his wife responded with the snap of a dish towel, "or if you do, they'll wilt with the heat."

Chaps like they, who can hire brigs and skippers and crews, are chock full o' money. They'd on'y laugh at us, for they'd rather have a noo kind o' butterfly than a handful o' gold," continued the speaker. "Suppose they says we shall go on?" "Then we tells 'em we won't, and there's an end on it." "But the skipper won't pay us for breaking our bargain."

"Where do they get matter to fill up a page in this little island lost in the wastes of the Indian Ocean? Oh, Madagascar. They discuss Madagascar and France. That is the bulk. Then they chock up the rest with advice to the Government. Also, slurs upon the English administration. The papers are all owned and edited by creoles French. "The language of the country is French.

Him and Ginger turned and crept up behind the old man on tiptoe, and then all of a sudden he tilted Sam's cap over 'is eyes and flung his arms round 'im, while Ginger felt in 'is coat-pockets and took out a leather purse chock full o' money.

There were no flowers in it, and few, perhaps, would have found beauty there, yet the pointing of the reeds was unmistakable. "It's chock full of stuff," he added, "but a rat could get along, so I suppose " "The signs are very slight sometimes," murmured the Tramp, his head half buried in the moss, "and sometimes difficult as well. You'd be surprised."

I said, "how do you suppose we get along with our own aitus at home? All Bible Society!" "I think you no got any," said she. "White man, he tell me you no got." "Sounds likely, don't it?" I asked. "Why would these islands all be chock full of them and none in Europe?" "Well, you no got bread-fruit," said she. I could have torn my hair.