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'Good-night, Mister Jarsper. Each is turning his own way, when a sharp whistle rends the silence, and the jargon is yelped out: Widdy widdy wen! I ket ches Im out ar ter ten. Widdy widdy wy! Then E don't go then I shy Widdy Widdy Wake-cock warning!

That's all right, Ford. A little slip like that " He held out his hand for Ford's sack of tobacco. "I ain't the least bit uneasy over that, old man. I'm just as sure as I stand here that you're going to pull up, all right." "I know you are, Ches." Ford's voice was humble. "That's the hell of it. You're more sure than sensible but But look at it like I was a stranger, Ches.

He's down in the river field with the boys, but he'll be back directly. Greatest kid you ever saw, Ford! Only seven, and he can ride like a son-of-a-gun, and wears chaps and spurs, and can sling a loop pretty good, for a little kid! Come on!" "Wel-ll, all right but Lordy me! I do hate to, Ches, and that's a fact. Women I'm plumb scared of.

He's up in the attic now, r'arin' roun' 'mongs' them trunks, but seem to me like I remember you put that suit away under the heavy blankets in that big cedar ches' with the padlock. If you jes' tell me where is the key, I take it up to him." "Under the bureau in the spare room," said Mrs. Baxter.

He was inclined to pity Ches, in spite of his mental acknowledgment that she was a very nice woman indeed; and he was half inclined to tell Mason when he saw him that he'd have to look further for a foreman. He found the girl lying upon a bunk just inside the door, still with closed eyes and that corpse-like look in her face.

We have board in an excellent place, but of course it is expensive. Don't be such a tight wad, Ches. You know I am looking after these brats entirely on your account. If it wasn't for you I'd lose them fast enough. What do you expect me to do next? Whatever you want me to do, give me time to do it in." She ended with assurances of truest affection. "So," mused Josie, "lying to each other, too!

Old Dock was explaining in his best English, and he was courteously refraining from the faintest smile. "Dey de new, bettaire kind. I send for dem, I t'ink maybe I sell. I put her in de grip so I carry dem all togedder. My mediceen, she in de beeg ches'." Weary had sat down and his head was dropped dejectedly into his hands. He had bungled the whole thing, after all. "Well," he said apathetically.

"Should have thought they'd have unsettled your nerve," declared Chester, looking as if he would like personally to pitch into the entire medical profession. "Didn't. Just made me mad. I can do anything when I'm mad if I can keep my mouth shut." Burns laughed rather shamefacedly. "That's the one advantage of a temper. I say, Ches, don't you want to go with me?

Mr. Sprole's hair was prematurely white, and the crow's-feet at the corners of his eyes were not the result of legal worries. "Hullo, Dit," he said jovially. "Hullo, Ches," said Ditmar. "Now you're the very chap I wanted to see. Where have you been keeping yourself lately? Come out to the farm to-night, same of the boys'll be there." Mr.

You may think you're hiring the same fellow that came out of the North with you but you aren't. Why, damn it, there ain't a man I know that wouldn't give you the laugh if they knew the offer you've made me! They would, that's a fact. They'd laugh at you. You're all right, Ches, but I won't stand for a deal like that. I can't make good." Mason waited until he was through.