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The place is worth looking over, though you won't have much time for that, I expect, nor yet for boating amongst the curious coral caves, or looking at the queer creatures which serve for fish and haunt them, until you have chawed up the Hadendowas and got Osman Digna in a cage." "Not then, I hope," said one of the seniors of the group.

But I managed to crawl out, and in climbing up the mountain side found yonder cave and came through to this end. In the cave I found the bear and he followed me to here. You know the rest." "Wall! wall! You have had a narrow escape, youngster, an' no disputin' the p'int. Ef I hadn't a-come as I did, thet air bar would have chawed ye up in no time." "I know it, Mr. Carson. Your kind "

Whoop-e-e, you ought t' seen Uncle Ike! He told him, 'Ba thundas! he could give him a bite to eat an' a place to sleep, but he'd be pisined bit by rattlers, clawed by wild cats, chawed by the hogs, et by buzzards, an' everlastin'ly damned 'fore he'd tote water 'nough fer anybody t' swim in. 'Ba thundas! What! "What's he doin' here?" asked Mr.

Well, Jacob was the pious, churchgoin' sort that she liked but he would chaw in season an' out of it thar was some as said he chawed even when he was sleepin' an' a woman so out an' out with tobaccy you never set eyes on.

"Killed und chawed off of a horse," shrieked the comforting neighbours. "And are you his mother?" pursued Miss Bailey. "Yes ma'an," they all answered as before. "Very well, I think I can take you to see him. But not if you are going to be noisy." A stillness as of death settled upon Mrs. Mogilewsky as she sank down at Miss Bailey's feet in dumb appeal.

Ump came along after the last of the cattle and burst into a great laugh. "Damme," he said, "you're as purty a pair of muskrats as ever chawed a root. Why don't you put up the bars instead of settin' gawkin' at the cattle! They're all there." "Suppose they were not all there?" said I. "Quiller," said he, "I'm not goin' back over any burnt bridges.

And later: "It really was dreadful. The train was broken all to bits, and nearly every one on board was hurt, catawampously chawed up in fact, as you Americans would say. Why, what are you all laughing at? Don't you say it?"

He laughed and added: "The carcasses is always so chawed up by b'ar and coyote or at least that's what they say done it that you can't sw'ar as to how they did come to die. But I heard one funny thing. It was over at the Pollock boys' camp. Shelby, Wright's straw boss, come ridin' in pretty mad, and made a talk about how it's mighty cur'ous only Wright's cattle is dyin'.

He didn't stop aboard cause he come crostwise over the bows; but there he was aboard for a moment afore he slips off, and when he comes round to try it again the skipper and Mr Greg lets him have it out o' their guns, and scared him off; and, bless your 'arts, I have seen a few rum games in the sea, but the way his mates chawed him up arterwards beat everything.

Who's yo' fader an' mudder? says I. 'George was my fader, says she, 'but de abolitioners done carried him off an' chawed him up. I'se awful skeered ob de abolitioners, I is. I ain't got no fader nor mudder: de buzzards done hatched me. Wall, I was dat sho' it was Vina's chile dat I didn' wait no longer, but jus' toted her roun' to de ice-cream stan' an' filled her chock full of ice-cream.