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Updated: August 1, 2024

Sam Coy, up to Atlantic Avenoo, give him his board free fer a year or more on account of his stories. "Counahan the Navigator! Tck! Tck! Dead these fifteen year, ain't he?" "Seventeen, I guess. He died the year the Caspar McVeagh was built; but he could niver keep things sep'rate. Steyning tuk him fer the reason the thief tuk the hot stove bekaze there was nothin' else that season.

But I was more than half drunk wid pure joy, an' that canteen beer was so much whisky to me, I can't tell how it came about, but bekaze I had no thought for anywan except Dinah, bekaze I hadn't slipped her little white arms from my neck five minuts, bekaze the breath of her kiss was not gone from my mouth, I must go through the married lines on my way to quarters an' I must stay talkin' to a red-headed Mullingar heifer av a girl, Judy Sheehy, that was daughter to Mother Sheehy, the wife of Nick Sheehy, the canteen-sergint the Black Curse av Shielygh be on the whole brood that are above groun' this day!

Well, as I was sayin', we shtuck there breathin' in each other's faces and swearin' powerful; Orth'ris cursin' the mother that bore him bekaze he was not three inches taller. "Prisintly he sez: 'Duck, ye lump, an' I can get at a man over your shouldher!

'Presintly the Arm'rer Sargint comes in stiffin' an' crackin' on, not pleased wid any wan, bekaze the Martini Henri bein' new to the rig'mint in those days we used to play the mischief wid her arrangements. 'Twas a long time before I cud get out av the way av thryin' to pull back the back-sight an' turnin' her over afther firin' as if she was a Snider.

I like her bekaze she's most remarkable regimental in her fittings. I may die in Honolulu, Nova Zambra, or Cape Cayenne, but wherever I die, me bein' fwhat I am, an' a priest handy, I go under the same orders an' the same words an' the same unction as tho' the Pope himself come down from the roof av St. Peter's to see me off.

He came close to ut wanst or twice, but caught he niver was, an' that cost him more at the ind than the beginnin'. He talked to me more than most, bekaze he tould me, barrin' the accident av my educashin, I'd ha' been the same kind av divil he was. 'An' is ut like, he wud say, houldin' his head high 'is ut like that I'd iver be thrapped? For fwhat am I when all's said an' done? he sez.

"But would you ha' shot him, Danny, if he had lived?" "He didn't live, so there's no sayin'. But I doubt I wud have bekaze of the fun he gave us let alone the beer. Hike up his legs, Horse, and we'll bring him in. Perhaps 'tis better this way."

Shadd has her own opinion, like iv'ry woman, 'Tis wid yours this time, for a mericle, sez Mother Shadd. 'Thin why in the name av fortune did I niver see her before? sez I. 'Bekaze you've been thrapesin' round wid the married women these three years past.

'Tis a way I have, savin' your presince, Sorr, in action. "Let me out, bhoys," sez I, backin' in among thim. "I'm going to be onwell!" Faith they gave me room at the wurrud, though they would not ha' givin room for all Hell wid the chill off. When I got clear, I was, savin' your presince, Sorr, outragis sick bekaze I had dhrunk heavy that day.

"Stop a minute, Mulvaney," said I; "how in the world did you come to know these things?" "How did I come?" said Mulvaney, with a scornful grunt; "bekaze I'm turned durin' the Quane's pleasure to a lump av wood, lookin' out straight forninst me, wid a a candelabbrum in my hand, for you to pick your cards out av, must I not see nor feel? Av coorse I du!

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