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They pressed against him, pushed their noses into his palm, and showed a confidence in him that did not fail to move the lad despite the terrible nature of their situation. "Good lads!" he whispered when he left them and crawled back within the barricade. "How're they behavin'?" asked the Little Giant. "Fine," responded Will. "Human beings couldn't do better.

"Berry like, berry like he gone way," said Snowball, in reply to the interrogatory of little William. "A good ting if dat am de fack; fo' den we hab chance to hook up some o' dese hya abbacore. See dem now! Doan' you see how berry different dey are behavin'. Dey no longer 'feerd. Dat am sign dat de long snout hab turn him nose in some oder direcshun. He gone fo' sartin."

Every drop of blood in Timothy's spare body rushed to his pale grave face. "Is she being whipped?" he whispered, with set lips. "No; she needs it bad enough, but we ain't savages. She's only got the pretty temper that matches her hair, just as you said. I guess we haven't been behavin' to suit her." "Can I go up? She'll stop in a minute when she sees me.

And behind him, heels kicking up likewise, followed Jake and Sam, Jethro apparently oblivious of their presence. Lem alone was not abashed in the presence of greatness. "How be you, Jethro?" he said heartily. "Air the Legislatur' behavin' themselves?" "B-bout as common," said Jethro. Surely nothing very profound in this remark, but received as though it were Solomon's.

And somehow the passersby look cleaner and better off than in most cities. We didn't see a blind beggar man led by a dog or a ragged female beggin' for alms whilst we wuz there, which is more than our cities at home can boast of. But in spite of all this, I spoze there is a good deal of cuttin' up and behavin' there.

He moved a step or two, then again turned: "I shall want you later on in the orchard, the grass there needs attending to." A slow grin pervaded Bainton's countenance. "Ye minds me of the 'Oly Scripter, Passon, ye does reely now!" he said "Wi' all yer different orders an' idees, y'are behavin' to me like the very moral o' the livin' Wurrd!" Walden looked amused. "How do you make that out?"

Justice having been meted out in the form of the crushed and forfeited caps in his pocket, he would fain take leave of the girl with some expression of his kindlier feelings toward her. "Now are you behavin' yourself like a good girl till I come again?" he asked, laying his hand upon her shoulder. "Yes," she said dully. "Then give me good-b'y." She held up her face and submitted to his kiss.

No one had ever rebuked her charming petulance, or wished to. Larry gave a weak, vague laugh. Colonel Swinger as ineffectively assumed a mock parental severity. "When you see two gentlemen, miss, discussin' politics together, it ain't behavin' like a lady to interrupt. Better run away and tidy yourself before the stage comes."

A'm hoping that retribution is awaiting him. "'Ma wee Hindenburg, says Mr. MacBissing, stern and ruthless, 'did I no see ye behavin' in a manner likely to bring discredit upon the Imperial and All-Highest Air Sairvice of our Exalted and Talkative Kaiser? Hoch! Hoch! Hoch! "Little Willie Hindenburg hangs his heid. "'Baron, or 'ma lord, as the case may be, says he, 'I'll no be tellin' ye a lie.

The farmer's old feeling for the boy, which the dread of having him left on his hands had for the time dulled, came back. "Get him his dinner, Sarah," he said. "I've something to see to in the village. By the time I come back, he'll be ready to go with me, perhaps." "God bless you, sir!" cried Sarah. "You meant it all the time, an' I been behavin' like a brute!"