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Thereupon my two pigeons, believing their man absent, will be as merry as soldiers off duty; and, if a certain thing takes place, I will let loose the provost, sending him, in the king's name, to search the house where the couple will be, in order that he may slay our friend, who pretends to have this good cordelier all to himself." "What does this mean?" said the Lady of Beaute.

He requested a presentation, took both hands affectionately, and after conversing half an hour led her to his duchess, to whom he said afterward, "Mais, mon Dieu! que Jérome a manqué son coup. Quelle grâce, quelle beauté, quel esprit! Et ma pauvre nièce! il faut être juste; jamais ne pourrait-elle régner comme cette belle Américaine, qui par tout droit est vraiment la reine.

Antonelli had a face which gave one an idea of the expression "beauté du Diable," for a more perfect type of Satanic intelligence and malignity than it showed at times I cannot conceive.

The Princess proposed to Auber to give his arm to Jenny Lind, and to put her at his right hand, la place d'honneur, adding, with her most ironical smile, "le genie avant la beaute." Auber made a charming host, telling one funny anecdote after the other in his quiet and typical manner.

Accomplished in music, learned and proficient in the languages, a philosopher of no small degree, and of a personal beauty sometimes called "beauté de diable," she appeared upon the social stage at a time when a new idol was an imperative necessity for the salvation of moral sanity, and the preservation of some remnants of personal decency in the sexual relations.

Chaque ligne, chaque vers, chaque poème taillé en bloc, sans couleur, sans decor, sans rime."... "La sainte pauvresse du style dépouillé."... "Il faut de la dureté, toujours de la dureté." He thought of Réveillaud's criticism, and his sudden startled spurt of admiration: "Mais! Vous l'avez trouvée, la beauté de la ligne droite." And Réveillaud's question: "Vraiment?

Il aime la soumission plus que la beaute: s'il lui dit de se coucher a huit heures, elle se couche: s'il faut se lever a deux heures, elle se leve! Elle est une bonne femme, elle a sauve bien des vies."

"Quand on perd, par triste occurrence, Son esperance Et sa gaité, Le remède au mélancolique C'est la musique Et la beauté. Plus oblige et peut davantage Un beau visage Qu'un homme armé, Et rien n'est meilleur que d'entendre Air doux et tendre Jadis aimé!" It haunted him after he had gone to rest, and for once he did not mind wakefulness. A week passed.

'Come, said the General to Conyngham, 'let us sit down. I have news for you. But what a susceptible heart my dear young friend what a susceptible heart! Julia is, I admit, a very pretty girl la beaute du diable, eh! But on so short an acquaintance rather rapid, rather rapid!

She had no other beauty than that very improperly called la beaute du diable, which consists of a buxom freshness of youth that the devil, theologically speaking, could never have, though perhaps the expression may be explained by the constant desire that must surely possess him to cool and refresh himself. The feet of the heiress were broad and flat.