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Updated: August 13, 2024

The Duchess, quickly reseated, watched an instant the inexpressive concussion of the tall brother and sister; then while Mitchy again subsided into his place, "You're not, as a race, clever, you're not delicate, you're not sane, but you're capable of extraordinary good looks," she resumed. "Vous avez parfois la grande beaute." Mitchy was much amused. "Do you really think Petherton has?"

«Si l'aspect magnifique et la beauté sauvage de cette enceinte sont difficiles

Ought to have black hair instead of red black eyes instead of well, chestnut about expresses the color of hers. I call them witch's eyes, they're so full of fire and the devil!" "She's French, too, isn't she? That accounts for the eyes. The beauté du diable, hers is! Couldn't she make a heaven for a man if she would or a hell?" "Yes, it's in her! She's doomed, you know!

Almost immediately after this transient renewal of my intercourse with Mrs. Norton, I left England for Italy, and did not see her again for several years. The next time I did so was at an evening party at my sister's house, where her appearance struck me more than it had ever done. Her dress had something to do with this effect, no doubt. She had a rich gold-colored silk on, shaded and softened all over with black lace draperies, and her splendid head, neck, and arms were adorned with magnificently simple Etruscan gold ornaments, which she had brought from Rome, whence she had just returned, and where the fashion of that famous antique jewelry had lately been revived. She was still "une beauté triomphante

Je crois voir la preuve de cette assertion non seulement dans la beauté du manuscrit, et dans l'écusson du prince, qui s'y trouve armorié en quatre endroits, et deux foix avec sa devise <i>Aultre n'aray</i>; mais encore dans la vignette d'un des deux frontispices, ainsi que dans la miniature de l'autre.

Eleonora Karpovna had most likely in her first youth been possessed of what the French for some unknown reason call beaute du diable, that is to say, freshness; but when I made her acquaintance, she suggested involuntarily to the mind a good-sized piece of meat, freshly laid by the butcher on a clean marble table.

Charles gave her the royal castle of Beauté, on the Marne, near the Bois de Vincennes, “le plus bel chastel et joly et le mieux assis qui fust en l’Isle de France,” desiring, as was said, that she should beDame de Beauté de nom comme de fait.” From the time of her public recognition she appeared with the king at all the brilliant festivities celebrated in honour of treaties and marriages.

'Le génie de la femme est la beauté, declared Milord, and again: 'Le coeur de l'homme ne peut servir que de piédestal pour l'idole. 'Oh! Milord, Milord! said Mrs. Barton. 'So in worshipping us you are idolaters. I'm ashamed of you. 'Pardon, pardon, madame: Devant un amour faux on est idolâtre, mais

She was, however, one of those girls who start by being "ugly" or "queer-looking," or downright "homely," and end by becoming "interesting" or "picturesque" or "fascinating," according to the divagations of the individual vocabulary. She had the beaute troublante. At first sight, you might have called her gipsy, Indian, Kanaka, Chinese, Japanese, Korean any exotic type that you had not seen.

Among the latter was a doctor who left an authoritative account of the proceedings, from which we can approximately surmise the height of La Dame de Beauté, and verify the record of her abundant fair hair. The exterior coffin of oak was only 5 feet 6 inches long.

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