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Je vous ai regardee pendant toute la soiree. Votre beaute m'a trouble. Votre beaute m'a terriblement trouble, et je vous ai trop regardee. Mais je ne le ferai plus. Il ne faut regarder ni les choses ni les personnes. Il ne faut regarder que dans les miroirs. Car les miroirs ne nous montrent que des masques . . . Oh! Oh! du vin! j'ai soif . . . Salome, Salome, soyons amis.

Possibly, in former days, she might have possessed that fleeting attraction called the beaute du diable; but now she looked almost as old as her wretched mother-in-law. Sorrow and privation, excessive toil and ill-treatment, had imparted to her face a livid hue, reddening her eyes and stamping deep furrows round about her temples.

Her beauty was not regular, but she had 'La grace, plus belle encore que la beaute', according to the good La Fontaine. She had the soft abandonment, the supple and elegant movements, and the graceful carelessness of the creoles. I am convinced that all who were acquainted with her must have felt bound to speak well of her; to few, indeed, did she ever give cause for complaint.

Like all the other French poets of his time, he laid some of his most charming verses at the feet of Mary Stuart, whose short stay in France he likened to the life of the flowers. "Les roses et les lis ne règnent qu'un printemps, Ansi vostre beauté seulment apparrue Quinze ou seize ans en France est soudain disparue."

"Off with his head!" exclaimed Wedderburn, who at the same instant reached the spot. The bloody mandate was readily obeyed; and Home, taking the bleeding head in his hand, cut off the flaxen tresses, and tied them as a trophy to his saddle-bow. The body of the Chevalier de la Beauté was rudely buried on the spot where he fell.

One, which far exceeded all its fellows in size the chief beauty of works of that sort since it was fifteen feet high, and each of the four faces was twelve feet wide at the base, was decorated with a medallion of the royal pair, and bore a poetical inscription commemorating the cause of its erection: "Reine, dont la beauté surpasse les appas Près d'un roi bienfaisant occupe ici la place.

La beaute est parfaite, La beaute peut tout, La beaute est la seule chose qui n'existe pas a demi. Le corbeau ne vole que le jour, Le hibou ne vole que la nuit, Le cygne vole la nuit et le jour.* * Look not at the face, young girl, look at the heart. The heart of a handsome young man is often deformed. There are hearts in which love does not keep.

On the first page of this album one of the toadying parasites of this Lady Bountiful had inscribed the following lines: 'Dans ces beaux lieux, ou regne l'allegresse Ce temple fut ouvert par la Beaute; De vos seigneurs admirez la tendresse Bons habitants de Krasnogorie! while another gentleman had written below: 'Et moi aussi j'aime la nature!

What she has lost in outside material charm in that mere beauté da diable of youth she has gained in character and expression; and, not attempting to simulate the attractiveness of a girl, she keeps what nature gave her the attractiveness of middle age.

Her beauty was not regular, but she had 'La grace, plus belle encore que la beaute', according to the good La Fontaine. She had the soft abandonment, the supple and elegant movements, and the graceful carelessness of the creoles. I am convinced that all who were acquainted with her must have felt bound to speak well of her; to few, indeed, did she ever give cause for complaint.