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Alas, my heart is wonder woe That I ne can discriven it Me lacketh both English and wit... For certes Nature had such lest To make that fair, that truly she Was her chief patron of beaute, And chief ensample of all her work And monstre for be 't ne'er so derk, Methinketh I see her evermo'!" But this, as has been said, was only now and then.

Thereupon my two pigeons, believing their man absent, will be as merry as soldiers off duty; and, if a certain thing takes place, I will let loose the provost, sending him, in the king's name, to search the house where the couple will be, in order that he may slay our friend, who pretends to have this good cordelier all to himself." "What does this mean?" said the Lady of Beaute.

This pathetic type of face has that fatal gift which the French clinicians, with their usual happiness of phrase, term La beauté du diable. The eager eyes, dilated nostrils, parted lips, give that weird air of exaltation which, when it occurs, as it occasionally does in the dying, is interpreted as the result of glimpses into a spirit world.

The first was Milan's open dallying with Fräulein S , one of Natalie's maids-of-honour, a girl almost as beautiful as herself, but with the beauté de diable. The second was the appearance in Belgrade of Dimitri Wasseljevitchca, who was suspected of plotting to assassinate the Tsar.

Her beauty was not regular, but she had 'La grace, plus belle encore que la beaute', according to the good La Fontaine. She had the soft abandonment, the supple and elegant movements, and the graceful carelessness of the creoles. I am convinced that all who were acquainted with her must have felt bound to speak well of her; to few, indeed, did she ever give cause for complaint.

These were like herself. And there was he, saying in his throat bitterly: "Tu te rappelleras la beaute des caresses." The poem was finished; he took the bread out of the oven, arranging the burnt loaves at the bottom of the panchion, the good ones at the top. The desiccated loaf remained swathed up in the scullery. "Mater needn't know till morning," he said.

'Quale un vaso liturgico d'argento. And you, madame, you take away all my sense of criticism. 'Vous me troublez trop pour que je definisse votre genre de beaute." Mrs. Milden was soon engaged in a deep tete-a-tete with Mr.

She had to keep her whole attention fixed on the page before her, but when she raised her eyes the picture she saw engraved itself on her mind. It was a long time before she could forget Olive's blond, cameo-like profile seen leaning over the old beau's fat shoulder. Mrs. Barton laughed and laughed again, declaring the while that it was la grâce et la beauté réunies. Mr.

Her beaute troublante had gone. Her face was, the face of a happy woman. The maternal look in her eyes was duplicated by the married look in her figure. She was always busy. Even now, though she chattered, she sewed; her little fingers fluttered like the wings of an imprisoned bird. Indeed, she looked like a little sober mother-bird in her gray and brown draperies.

On one occasion he was made to pass the night in a slipper-bath full of water; where, although he had all his clothes on, he declared that he nearly caught his death of cold. Another night, in revenge, the poor fellow "dans le simple appareil D'une beaute, qu'on vient d'arracher au sommeil," spent a number of hours contemplating the beauty of the moon on the tiles.