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Updated: August 1, 2024

They were both covered with dust, though the machine was of a standard make, and needed only a good cleaning. "Hello, Joe!" called the performer. "How are you?" "Why, it's Babson!" Joe exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in some time. What are you doing? Are you with a show?" "No, I wish I were," came the answer. "I'm sort of down on my luck.

Babson woke the guard, and on entering the quarters of the garrison the sound of many feet was heard without, but when the doors were flung open only the two men were visible and they were retreating. Next evening the yeoman was chased by these elusive gentry, who were believed to be scouts of the enemy, for they wore white breeches and waistcoats and carried bright guns.

Lawrence all about Troy Wilkins and her mother and and perhaps even about Walter Babson. But she merely treasured up the thought that she could do that some day, and politely asked: "What about Mrs. Fike? Is she as bad as she seems?" "Why, that's the best little skeleton of contention around here. There's three factions. Some girls say she's just plain devil mean as a floor-walker.

The scriptures define DHARMA as "the natural universal laws whose observance enables man to save himself from degradation and suffering." Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven."-MATTHEW 18:21-22. Roger W. Babson: "What line of research will see the greatest development during the next fifty years?"

His deep voice had been very kindly; his clipped mustache was trim; his nails, which had been ragged at that commercial-college lunch, were manicured now; he was sure of himself, while Walter Babson doubted and thrashed about. All of which meant that the tired office-woman was touchily defensive of the man who liked her. She couldn't remember just where she had learned it, but she knew that Mr.

He was a square-jawed, severe, heavily built person, with a long relentless upper lip, cheeks ruddy from the open air; engaged in the contracting business; and he had a brogue that would have charmed a mavis off a tree. Mr. Tutt looked hopelessly at Tutt. Babson and O'Brien had won. Once more Mr. Tutt struggled against his fate. Was Mr.

Tightly compressing her lips she sat silent in the chair, while the delighted reporters scribbled furious messages to their city editors that Miss Althea Beekman, one of the Four Hundred, was defying Judge Babson, and to rush up a camera man right off in a taxi, and to look her up in the morgue for a front-page story. O'Brien glanced uneasily at Babson.

The office-manager came casually up to Una's desk and said, "You haven't taken any dictation yet, have you?" "No, but," with urgent eagerness, "I'd like I'm quite fast in stenography." "Well, Mr. Babson, in the editorial department, wants to give some dictation and you might try " Una was so excited that she called herself a silly little fool.

Do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?" Mr. Tutt gripped the balustrade in front of him with one hand and put his other arm round Angelo. He felt that now in truth murder was being done. "We find the defendant not guilty," said Mr. Walsh defiantly. There was a momentary silence of incredulity. Then Babson and O'Brien shouted simultaneously: "What!"

But there's one rule for success mind you, I don't follow it myself, I can't, but it's a grand old hunch: 'If you want to get on, always be ready to occupy the job just ahead of you. Only what the devil is the job just ahead of a stenog.? I've been thinking of you and wondering. What is it?" "Honestly, Mr. Babson, I don't know. Here, anyway. Unless it's lieutenant of the girls."

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